rtcvb32: I do believe this is a taboo topic. While you can talk about emulation, referring where or how to get ROMs is discouraged or possibly even against
darkredshift: I wouldn't know that. I don't know where else to ask, considering the real version i.e the disk one wasn't released in the UK or America, and this site is called "Good
Old Games" after all.
dtgreene: Was the game in question even released on a disk? I know 1 and 2j (Lost Levels) were, but haven't heard about 3 being released that way.
(1 was released both on cartridge and (later) disk, while 2j was released only on disk. The cartridge version of 1 has a different minus world.)
darkredshift: 3 came on floppy disk first in Japan on the Famicom Disk System, but was released in cartridge form on the base Famicom after the NES one, the only main difference to the Famicom cart being Japanese text. I have the cartridge Famicom one.
This video shows the FDS differences to the NES one.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ5kfMeeICc The Disk System version is the one I want.
That video doesn't mention the disk system version at all; it's a comparison of the US and Japanese cartridge versions.
As far as I can tell, the version you are looking for doesn't actually exist; if you want the Japanese version, just get the Japanese cart. (I don't know if there are any issues running Famicom (non-disk) games on a (non-Japanese) NES.)