Breja: Also, I'm not sure why we're talking about it, but Dredd sucked. I can't understand what people see in it. It was boring as hell, like if you took Die Hard and removed everything that made it fun.
While it was certainly different from it, I partly liked it for similar reasons I like Robocop, (Dredd was shown again on TV here a couple of days ago, I've seen it a couple of times before, first time a year ago or so.)
- It was gritty.
- I liked some of the dark humor (like how the homeless beggar should have listened when Dredd told him to move)
- the cynical atmosphere worked.
- there was just something chilling in Dredd starting his radio announcement with: "Citizens of Peach Trees, this is the law speaking....".
- the action was usually ok, nothing spectacular but ok
- the camerawork and audio was quite nice (yes, including the slomo drug effects)
- it had a bit of sociological message (like when Dredd's partner pointed out she used to live in a similar slum which Dredd seemed to despise; or when the partner realized who the man was she had shot before)
- the female baddie was quite interesting, and at times you almost felt sorry for her, ie. she seemed to be a product of her miserable past
etc. You probably disagree with all that, and that's fine. I guess it helped I had very low expectations for it, expecting it to be a generic (super)hero movie, that worked also for G.I. Joe which I to my big surprise enjoyed quite a lot.