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amok: no you did not answer it at all. if something is art and something is not art, or if something has "worth" (whatever the heck that means anyway), then there must be some criterias and someone who must judge each peiece as being art and have worht.
Who does this? what is the criteria for soemthing to be art? what is this "worth" you are talking about?
neumi5694: That fight goes on for millennia already. We certainly won't solve it here. Who is entitled to say what's art and what not?
Some people who think they are entitled did set a standard for some criteria, but that standard changes all the time. In the end all these criteria are purely subjective. Some people say it's junk, other say it's art, depending on their world view, if you want to say so. Is one of them right ore are both wrong? Who can tell ...
There is a lot of music I consider to be junk, still the musicians are called artists.
That's why most of the time I stick to "I like it" or "I don't like it". No matter if someone else considers it to be art or not.
For some (in my opinion) impressive pieces of work I have deep respect, those are the ones I would consider to be art.

The worth is what someone is willing to pay for it.
indeed. "Art" is a very fluid term, and it is always contextually rooted. In its base form, "Art" really just means the output of human creativity, what-ever that may be.

if you want to make a distinction then whe have Art (with capital A) which is the expressions which are recognies as cannonical by a self-appointed clique of Art appreciators and critics, what is often called High Art (and placed in museums and galleries).

Then we have art (with lover case a) which is the expressions of all different types of human creativity.

Though i will add that "worth" may be more than just monetary value. I may appriciate a specific poster more than a painiting by Munch, though it will cost a lot less. However, for me the poster has more worth personally than the painting.

edit - as a little fun aside. The word art can be traced back several ways, but one of them is the Latin Artem, which basically means "pickling", so there is an art to makeing a good gherkin :)
Post edited September 08, 2021 by amok
Lifthrasil: As for 'underground' or 'poor', Patreon is a way to get funds and visibility, as long as you don't overdo it with the perversions in your game.
...and that proves my point. Perverse developers are forced to abide by moralist rules, otherwise their wallet would become empty.

To me, the point of permitting depraved creators fiscal equality is so that they can concentrate on their work. Just because some creators do manage to make cohesive products or have lived long enough to not subsist on ramen, doesn't mean they appreciate having to play by rules rigged in favor of "moral" people. These are livelihoods we are talking about, setting the ground conditions to being fair for all parties should be an ideal to strive for.

Be you vanilla or perverse, you should have the same access to payment processors, legal advice, healthcare, or whatever else. None of this "as long as you don't overdo it with the perversions". That is just plain unfair, and doesn't reflect well upon society.
Sabin_Stargem: Be you vanilla or perverse, you should have the same access to payment processors, legal advice, healthcare, or whatever else. None of this "as long as you don't overdo it with the perversions". That is just plain unfair, and doesn't reflect well upon society.
Actually you are right. Patreon or other platforms and organisations shouldn't force their morality on others. As long as nothing illegal is done, art should be free.

But the problem in the internet is: who defines what is legal?
Lifthrasil: But the problem in the internet is: who defines what is legal?
The country where servers are located. Or, in case platforms like Steam or GOG, that have region differentiation features - the country where the game is sold.
amok: ...
In English that actually works :)
However, in other lanuages like german ("Kunst"), Italian ("arte") or French ("art") there is no variation in the words. It's always "Kunst" (with a capital "K") and always "arte" (always with lower case, with some exception when it's part of a name).
The "hohe Kunst" (high art) is used for actually doing something: for craft, for playing an instrument, painting, writing, dancing, even for playing a game sometimes. It's a expression of respect for skil and it's never used for the end product, at least I can't recall any example.

I never heared about a distinction in English as well, you learn something new every day.
DrazilT: I like to suggest that GOG not carry pornographic games. To elaborate I'll will start by presenting my hypocrisy, that is that I already carry this game in my Steam library. However the propriatory format that is Steam, has it locked behind an adult only 'compartment' of Steam, as redtube is to youtube.

Given that GOG is primarily a website based repository. I presume at least to the eldest of it's cliental, it would draw the website more in parallel to a porn site, or as I have seen, a torrent download site. Beyond my own expectations of GOG's standards, this surely must seem folly as to any political/popular influences that other interests may present.

Of course within reason, I will continue to search for DRM free games first and foremost on GOG, but I have concern for the direction the company is taking.

I fully agree with this statement. I was just suggested "Being a DIK" game via GOG's newsletter, which turns out to be a pornographic game. I can see GOG going down a dark tunnel with this decision, I don't like the direction it is taking at all and believe it will end bad for GOG going down this road of offering pornographic content.
psychozof: Mary Skelter: Nightmares
If you don't like something, don't buy it. Why do you demand other people not be able to buy something just because YOU don't like it? How selfish is that???

If you have a problem because it's sexual, then that's YOUR problem, not anybody else's. Gog's specialty is DRM free games, not sanitized "family friendly" games.
BlueMooner: If you don't like something, don't buy it. Why do you demand other people not be able to buy something just because YOU don't like it? How selfish is that???

If you have a problem because it's sexual, then that's YOUR problem, not anybody else's. Gog's specialty is DRM free games, not sanitized "family friendly" games.
If that would be true, then why did the flood of porn games start at the end of last year? There were DRM free porn games long before that, yet they were not being sold on GoG.

If there were porn games here from the start, I wouldn't even bother opening the account since this place would be the same cesspool of incel garbage that Stem is.
high rated
BlueMooner: If you don't like something, don't buy it. Why do you demand other people not be able to buy something just because YOU don't like it? How selfish is that???

If you have a problem because it's sexual, then that's YOUR problem, not anybody else's. Gog's specialty is DRM free games, not sanitized "family friendly" games.
bombardier: If that would be true, then why did the flood of porn games start at the end of last year? There were DRM free porn games long before that, yet they were not being sold on GoG.

If there were porn games here from the start, I wouldn't even bother opening the account since this place would be the same cesspool of incel garbage that Stem is.
"Flood of porn games" - I'd suggest that you start to count the number of porn games and compare it to the number of every other genre here ... you probably will be surprised. GOG changed its mind about what they think would sell and be wanted on their store a few times since they exist. At first you would only get classics, then they added indies ... VNs or like mobile game looking games were always rejected - no matter if they had sexual content or not ... then they changed this as well and VNs were sold here and now with the latest addition they decided that people here also would like some games that contain sexual stuff ... it is just another genre - nothing more and nothing less. As with almost everything those games are also not always the same and not every game with sexual content is JUST sexual content. Being a DIK has been mentioned before which is a great VN with much gameplay, an amazing OST and a pretty twisted, dramatic and emotional story and yes ... also sexcenes - that you can skip if you find sexual acts that distasteful. If you ask me , people who'd like to have something banned just because they dislike it were probabnly better of in a certain past when it was a good thing to burn books that were deemed to be inappropriate. Today we should finally have learned that games won't harm anyone and if one dislikes a certain game or genre - they can easily move on to the next one. It is a pity that you would avoid a certain store just because it is selling a thing you dislike along with so much more you like ...
Post edited September 02, 2022 by MarkoH01
bombardier: If there were porn games here from the start, I wouldn't even bother opening the account since this place would be the same cesspool of incel garbage that Stem is.
So your prime concern is whether a store has games with sex in them, not whether the store is DRM free. Well, since gog apparently exceeds your acceptable levels of sexual content, what will you do now? Will gog join your list of stores you won't shop at, will you demand gog stop selling games you dislike, or do something else?

Are there even digital game stores out there with zero sexual content, stores with more than dozen games?
Subverse's biggest problem isn't that it's pornographic, it's that it's porn sucks. Just badly animated.
BlueMooner: Are there even digital game stores out there with zero sexual content, stores with more than dozen games?
Actually yes.

Epic does not sell porn games.
Steam has porn filters so basically my Steam experience is free of porn as well.

While GoG has porn in "Recommended" section.
bombardier: While GoG has porn in "Recommended" section.
Maybe GoG knows more about you, than you do...?. ;)
Crosmando: Subverse's biggest problem isn't that it's pornographic, it's that it's porn sucks. Just badly animated.
You'd think if the porn industry wanted to get into video games with more lax rules these days, they'd probably make decently budgeted FMV games that, you know, actually take advantage of being video games and not some weird jerk off pausing. I mean, it can still have the jerk off pauses, but the game has to be the main focus.