Posted September 08, 2021
Who does this? what is the criteria for soemthing to be art? what is this "worth" you are talking about?
Some people who think they are entitled did set a standard for some criteria, but that standard changes all the time. In the end all these criteria are purely subjective. Some people say it's junk, other say it's art, depending on their world view, if you want to say so. Is one of them right ore are both wrong? Who can tell ...
There is a lot of music I consider to be junk, still the musicians are called artists.
That's why most of the time I stick to "I like it" or "I don't like it". No matter if someone else considers it to be art or not.
For some (in my opinion) impressive pieces of work I have deep respect, those are the ones I would consider to be art.
The worth is what someone is willing to pay for it.
if you want to make a distinction then whe have Art (with capital A) which is the expressions which are recognies as cannonical by a self-appointed clique of Art appreciators and critics, what is often called High Art (and placed in museums and galleries).
Then we have art (with lover case a) which is the expressions of all different types of human creativity.
Though i will add that "worth" may be more than just monetary value. I may appriciate a specific poster more than a painiting by Munch, though it will cost a lot less. However, for me the poster has more worth personally than the painting.
edit - as a little fun aside. The word art can be traced back several ways, but one of them is the Latin Artem, which basically means "pickling", so there is an art to makeing a good gherkin :)
Post edited September 08, 2021 by amok