GameRager: 1. A. I pointed the fact out that one can get a refund on KS to show that investing in their kickstarter is about as dangerous as investing in a preorder of VTMB2 on GOG.
Starmaker: You can't get a refund on kickstarter.
Huh, I thought they allowed it on games/projects that weren't fully backed/had their KS's "completed" yet. :\
darthspudius: In reality, it doesn't sound like GOG is missing out on much.
Crosmando: This game will be by far the porn game with the largest budget and production values ever, will the "game" parts be good? Probably not, but I'm interested to see just what FOW can do with millions of dollars for animation, they already do pretty good work on shoestring budgets. 3D CG porn is an interesting and unexplored thing, it's expensive to make but it can look amazing (better than real porn). Check out some of those Overwatch CG porn segments, they're only a few seconds long but they look great, imagine stuff like that but with high-budgets behind it. There's been PC porn games in Japan for a while, games like Artificial Academy 2 and Koikatsu as recent examples, but they all have potato budgets.
Seriously lol'ing at the reactions to this game, it's like we've gone back to the 12th century and sexuality is a sinful topic. Blowing out someone's brains with a double-barrelled shotgun? GOOD. Two computer-generated characters engaging in intercourse, BAD!
Both points are good, imo.
And yeah, the levels of puritanical thought/ideals in the world(especially inn my own country) lately sickens me when I think how ultra violence is a-ok(seemingly) in most media.
Grargar: Meh, I'm not sure the developers would even be interested in creating a censored version just to release here.
Then again, when they consider GOG a "paragon of free speech" (pffftttt), they may not even be aware that GOG doesn't have an adult filter like Steam does.
I recall that when GOG first started they seemed to be more free speech(bringing uncensored versions of some ultra-violent games to gog and selling them[even unofficially] to countries that blocked such versions).