ZFR: I'm hoping they see the gravity of the situation and do fix this exploit this time.
Look at it this way: with the exploit out there it was only a matter of time till some malicious troll comes up and starts using it do delete update thread, adaliabooks, MaGog... etc. At least now GOG noticed it, and hopefully will do something about it.
But they haven't. They haven't deleted anything other than alaric's threads (and Tautos, but that's a different kettle of fish)
What does that tell you?
Surely if someone really wanted to cause trouble they would have by now.
If it was the 'SJW's they'd have deleted the gamergate thread, if it was people sick of politics they would have deleted the Brexit thread. Nothing else is being deleted.
Until now most people probably didn't even know it was possible to delete threads through user intervention, nevermind considered doing it.
The only reason there is any risk of threads being deleted is because of this being made such a big deal.
Alaric.us: This.
Even the most busy company can find a single man-hour to spare over the course of 3 months.
Come back to me in three months and we'll see how this has played out then.
I think you'll be unpleasantly surprised.