ZFR: Every accident "hasn't happened till now" until it happens. By this logic there is no reason to worry about anything: "I've been driving like this for years, surely if anything were to happen it would have happened by now", "this has been leaking for years, surely if anything were to happen it would have happened by now",
"gunysynd has been a member of good standing for many months, surely if he were to go insane it would have happened by now."
I've never said that Gog doesn't need to fix this. But they are already aware of it, they have always been aware of it. I just don't think this is going to make them deal with it any faster. Instead we have made the situation potentially many times worse and it's only going to hurt us; the users of this forum.
ZFR: Look at it this way, ToxicTom made an impromptu script to remove bamwar bots in a day-two most. What if it was someone with ToxicTom's knowledge who went insane instead of gunysynd?
And whose to say that isn't what's happening right now?
Alric. Will you promise that you are not in anyway behind the deletion of your threads?
Because right now your the only one on the forum I think has the capability of doing what you say is being done.
I don't really think this is the case, because I'm fairly sure from the pattern of how your threads are deleted that it's not automated, but I think it's a question that deserves asking.