ashtonx: Well i know one thing for sure i ain't gonna buy next bethesda game.
Pheace: Saying that on this forum isn't saying much since half the people here wouldn't do that anyway since it most likely isn't coming to GOG.
And while a lot of people may say the same now, I really don't think many people will stick to it, particularly if E3 rolls around and Bethesda use the F-word in a big reveal announcement. I still remember the big 'Boycott Modern Warfare group' and we saw how that went shortly after release. (
Umm yeah, actually i tend to stick by those. Also prolly only cod game i've got is modern warfare, those game are nice rental time killer, play few h and forget. Not worth buying though.
synfresh: I think what may happen is scare away other publishers/devs or even modders from wanting a curated workshop due to the bad press. What will be interesting is if Valve incorporates a true donate button (with a $0 amount). What the reaction will be then.
I'm guessing if they went this way from begining there would be no shitstorm to begin with, only some whining.
And yeah it's likely to hurt any chances of monetizing mods for years. Not because it's such a bad idea but it's prolly worst implementation ever.