Digital_CHE: I played The Moon Sliver... But I didn't understand the ending...
I think "The Playfire rewards" is a good idea (but it was bad implemented)... You can give a reward for playing the game for more than two hours.
jefequeso: Yeah, I know... I just really don't like the idea of achivements in my games. I feel like they would really detract from the experience.
Although I suppose having just one for playing for more than 2 hours wouldn't be too bad...
I wasn't talking about Steam Achievement... I was talking about Playfire Rewards; A 10cents Reward for " Play this game for 2 hours or more"...
I think Steam achievements ruin the gameplay experience (at least the first gameplay)
But Achievements are a good motive for a second gameplay... ( I played Metro 2033 about 6 times, not only for the steam achievements, It was just because I really like that game).. I purchased Metro 2033 in 2012 after trying the "Jack Sparrow edition" a couple of years before.
jefequeso: To be perfectly honest, I've never been a believer in the "pay for it if it deserves being paid for" mentality of a lot of people on here. I believe that you pay for the privilage of experiencing a game. Whether it's good or bad at the end is irrelevant, because you still got the experience. You got the product, the producer deserves the money. Refunds, in my opinion, should be reserved for extreme cases where the game in question is legitimately broken, simply won't run on your computer, or was somehow falsely advertised. If you purchase the game, play it, and don't like it... well frankly, you paid for the opportunity to play it. IMO, you don't deserve a refund.
I realize that's an unpopular opinion, and perhaps not the most consumer-favoring philosophy... but in this day and age, with the plethora of reviews, first impressions, and Let's Plays at the consumer's disposal, I think it's actually a very fair one.
Well, I do believe in the "pay for it if it deserves being paid for", thats why I like and I want to play DEMOs first (Like I did in the 90's with Duke Nukem 3D, Jedi knight: Dark forces 2, Hexen, Heretic, Doom...etc)
If I like the DEMO, I will buy the game.. Example: I bought Bastion because I liked the DEMO... I bought Betrayer, because I liked the DEMO.. I bought Woolfe — The Red Hood Diaries, because of the DEMO... I can give You a LOT of examples, since de 90's to the present time..
In another topic, what are You doing now for to conquer the Tri State area?