makasouleater69: I messaged steam they said doesnt matter, you called him crazy and if you didnt respond to him we wouldnt of banned you. We arent banning him, and we arent unbanning you. Stop responding to people like that in the future.
Orkhepaj: this is the worst part, the double standards it is everywhere
you get banned for minor things , while they can still continue posting hateful toxic derogatory posts
That is very true, I wouldnt of deleted my steam account and went to gog if they were fair in it, but they arent. It is probly bot based like blizzard where they just ban the person who gets reported first which turns it into a game for these people lol. Blizzard is worse, I got banned from heroes of the strom once because i typed weed is a drug.
The problem with all these things is they are no longer human based for the most part, so what we have is tje majoroty of places in my experience is mob rule. So like my example of me saying weed is a drug, the people there that I was talking to didnt like it, and most of those people there have 5 accounts so they just reported me in mass and it bans me.
So thats why I call it nazi nonsense, all communications any more are garbage, and if you dont conform to what ever majoirty you are talking to you will get banned. Which leads to a bunch of little bubble groups that only allow people who are identical to them or pretend to be. Making all communication online useless,having a echo chamber of conformity never leads to anything good.
I generally get banned from everything haha, because i have a instinct almost to take the side thats losing, and if you do that anywhere on the internet they ban you. Which honestly I dont care any more.
Steam though goes to far because they will take your paid games away from you, so will blizzard. That to me is going over the line, and makes people who report others more foul tha the people talkong trash.
I say that because these people know very well steam and blizzard will rob you of your games, because technically they arent your anyways. So in thier games to get you banned they are causing you phsyical pain by making you lose money. Where as some one shit talking is just all in your head, and can easily be ignored.