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low rated
I'm looking forward to it. I always preferred KOTOR 2, personally, but the original is such a classic. I know it'll probably still be RTwP combat like the original but I'd absolutely love it if they decided to add combat similar to that in Jedi: Fallen Order. That would make the game perfect, in my eyes.
low rated
JakobFel: I know it'll probably still be RTwP combat like the original but I'd absolutely love it if they decided to add combat similar to that in Jedi: Fallen Order. That would make the game perfect, in my eyes.
As a fan of RPGs that use the modified D20 RTwP systems that's blasphemy! Which means its probably exactly what they'll do. All I'd want from a remaster of KoTOR would be flashier animations that synced better.
low rated
As a fan good old fashioned style game design & rpg mechanics n stuff I feel I can probably safely skip this entire thing.

And play Death Stranding or something instead, good luck with that tho.
low rated
I find it kinda Hilarious that all these Devs are going backwards in time to update this and that to make it more appealing to the NEON HAIR crowd I find it pathetic, Make something NEW maybe leave that stuff where it belongs in the past
Orkhepaj: thats what im saying the target audience are the ones who buy it for nostalgia not because it is a good game
Is what you think.

The target audience buys it because it is a game they enjoy/enjoyed playing and EA bundled a ton of extra new and unused material that was never seen before, on top of introducing a ton of quality of life features whilst remaining completely true to the original. The moment you start changing things up like gameplay, AI, balance, missions etc., it ceases to be the game it used to be. Once again, this was made mainly for the fans, not to bring new people into the RTS genre. Which it might do anyway, due to the reasonable pricing and removing the huge barrier of entry that was the technical issues with the originals on modern systems.
Orkhepaj: dunno how subjective is it when probably most people would never buy or play the game if it was not labeled as c&c game had its time but now it wouldnt sell
But it is labeled a C&C game because (and here comes the shocker) it IS a C&C game. A remaster of one. One of the most well known RTS series which became popular for a reason. So when it receives a remaster which is full of visible effort (to the fans) coming from EA of all things, it deserves praise and should be put up front as an example of how to do good remasters of old classics instead of just milking nostalgia or re-releasing with minor touchups which most remasters do.

Let me repeat again. 91% positive reviews on Steam. On a remaster. Of a 26 year old game from an unpopular genre. Published by EA. That alone should tell you all you need to know.

I'll leave it at that.
Post edited September 12, 2021 by idbeholdME
low rated
JakobFel: I know it'll probably still be RTwP combat like the original but I'd absolutely love it if they decided to add combat similar to that in Jedi: Fallen Order. That would make the game perfect, in my eyes.
GreasyDogMeat: As a fan of RPGs that use the modified D20 RTwP systems that's blasphemy! Which means its probably exactly what they'll do. All I'd want from a remaster of KoTOR would be flashier animations that synced better.
I don't hate RTwP, I enjoy quite a few games that have it but I feel like Star Wars kinda needs a more action-based combat system. The main reason that I never could get into KOTOR until recent years was because Star Wars has always needed that more action-driven combat IMO. Growing up, the Jedi Knight games were my preference for that reason, and also a part of why Fallen Order is currently my favorite Star Wars game. I just feel like a Witcher 3-esque Star Wars game (or better yet, an Elder Scrolls-esque Star Wars game) would be the perfect realization of such an incredible universe.
low rated
JakobFel: I don't hate RTwP, I enjoy quite a few games that have it but I feel like Star Wars kinda needs a more action-based combat system. The main reason that I never could get into KOTOR until recent years was because Star Wars has always needed that more action-driven combat IMO. Growing up, the Jedi Knight games were my preference for that reason, and also a part of why Fallen Order is currently my favorite Star Wars game. I just feel like a Witcher 3-esque Star Wars game (or better yet, an Elder Scrolls-esque Star Wars game) would be the perfect realization of such an incredible universe.
I understand, but I love KoTOR I & II as CRPGs. You replace the CRPG dice rolls with another system and you transform it into an Action RPG. Outside of indie revivals, the CRPG is pretty much dead as far as AAA releases go which is why I think you're going to get what you're describing. It's personally going to be one of a number of reasons I have 0 excitement for this.
low rated
idbeholdME: Let me repeat again. 91% positive reviews on Steam. On a remaster. Of a 26 year old game from an unpopular genre. Published by EA. That alone should tell you all you need to know.
yep it tells me most people bought it for nostalgia and not because it is a good game as it is not
GreasyDogMeat: As a fan of RPGs that use the modified D20 RTwP systems that's blasphemy! Which means its probably exactly what they'll do. All I'd want from a remaster of KoTOR would be flashier animations that synced better.
JakobFel: I don't hate RTwP, I enjoy quite a few games that have it but I feel like Star Wars kinda needs a more action-based combat system. The main reason that I never could get into KOTOR until recent years was because Star Wars has always needed that more action-driven combat IMO. Growing up, the Jedi Knight games were my preference for that reason, and also a part of why Fallen Order is currently my favorite Star Wars game. I just feel like a Witcher 3-esque Star Wars game (or better yet, an Elder Scrolls-esque Star Wars game) would be the perfect realization of such an incredible universe.
KOTOR couldn't have done without RTwP, think of all the small spaces fights took place in, so many options and attack modes, in between you got to heal, use Jedi powers and on top of that you got to avoid to get hit or injured. Think of Taris slums and that very small animal shelter to retrieve a sample for a cure. Since there was also your team which really you had better manage what they were doing yourself would have been impossible in real time w/o pause.

Since for me the KOTOR series has always been more about stories being told and RP, not so much about the combat and encounters, RTwP for fights were an element I was perfectly happy with. It helped developing strategies to tackle fights seeing them unfold and eventually succeed.

This remake will rather be action oriented and maybe for good reason. Basically they could strip out most of the RP elements, stats and maybe even party management if they manage to script a working AI for them. That'd take it in a direction this game was never meant to be, turning it into more of an action adventure with dialogues and interactive storytelling than involved RP where you model your char to what you wish it to become.

It mustn't mean it is going to be any worse for it to be more action oriented. On the other hand this is a very fine line developers got to walk not to turn it into something like JK:Dark Forces or rather like JK/JK II which I also loved of course. Maybe I just can't imagine how this action oriented approach should really work in favor without taking it in a direction that the original never was or meant to be.
high rated
Also, on topic of KOTOR.

The fact that they hired a writer to re-write the story should be instant red flags. And considering who the hired writer is, the red flags should be raised so high that they leave Earth's orbit.

And just reading this:
In an interview with, Treadwell also reiterated, “Our big goals on this are to bring the story to a modern audience and have it be just as impactful today as it was for players when it originally launched.”

Lucasfilm Games’ Executive Producer Orion Kellogg also told, “We’ve been working really, really closely with Aspyr for a long time now to deconstruct what made KOTOR so great and bring that back to new audiences, because we want this game to be an incredible RPG.”

Kellogg went on to hint that they will be changing character designs, dialogue, and more, “We want this game to be just as beloved as it was before. Some of my favorite meetings to have in my week right now are to get into the nitty gritty with Aspyr and talk about, ‘Why did we make that choice in the original game and how does that play today? How do we expand that choice and make it even more meaningful and impactful?’ We think about, literally, every word of dialogue and [other choices] down to the clothes that the character is wearing.”

The highlighted part alone tells me all I need to know.

Especially in case of KOTOR, there is a slew of stuff that had to be cut/was left unfinished due to the game's troubled development cycle. If they just restored all of this, brought back the original author to finish/write the dialogue for it and just expand on what is already there, that would have been a reason to get excited. Instead, the goal seems to be to change the game for the "modern audience", which more often than not spells doom.

Orkhepaj: and not because it is a good game as it is not
Yes it is :)

What do we do now?
Post edited September 12, 2021 by idbeholdME
low rated
Kotor is a party-based rpg, turning it into more of an action game like Fallen Order would change it into something fundamentally different.
Personally I found the combat in Kotor lacklustre, but the way to improve it would be to include better encounters (not just endless waves of repetitive fights against trash mobs...even Darth Malak's apprentice was a joke instead of a real mini-boss).
morolf: Kotor is a party-based rpg, turning it into more of an action game like Fallen Order would change it into something fundamentally different.
I agree. The whole point of KOTOR was that it was an RPG, not an action game. Those that want an action game could go and play any of the dozens of existing Star-Wars-based action games. If they change the fundamental gameplay to be more action-oriented, then it would be a different game in a different genre, not KOTOR.
low rated
idbeholdME: You got any source for that claim or are you pulling it out of your behind?

I am a fan and I still enjoy the gameplay and play through the campaigns of all C&C games every so often and am extremely grateful they kept it intact.

And all the additional effort they put into it. Bringing back Frank Klepacki for the music. Including archival outtakes from the FMV shoots and concepts in an entirely new gallery. Ability to switch seamlessly between old and new graphics and much more. Looking at this and saying it's the same as the other money grab remasters is simply false.
Orkhepaj: yup
here: https://
all the effort doesnt matter if the gameplay is boring
it is a good remake of a bad game, just think about how many would play this game if it wouldnt be a cnc

YaTEdiGo: Oh really?
Orkhepaj: yep , most of them at least, even statues were censored :O
Oh nice take Blizzard... they cannot control harrashers in their offices, but they save the world censoring a Hellish Game full of sucubbus.
low rated
Mori_Yuki: Basically they could strip out most of the RP elements, stats and maybe even party management if they manage to script a working AI for them.
If they took out(or "streamlined"....i.e. reduced) the stats/party management/inventory/etc, what would be left of the original KOTOR experience? Would it even still be fun to play?
(part of the appeal of the original games, to me, was all those things listed above)

Of course, yes....a game changed in such ways could maybe end up being good......but it wouldn't be the same. (also, if the rest of the team they've hired/picked to make it is like the one person mentioned so far then I have doubts as to its eventual quality)


idbeholdME: Kellogg went on to hint that they will be changing character designs, dialogue, and more, “We want this game to be just as beloved as it was before. Some of my favorite meetings to have in my week right now are to get into the nitty gritty with Aspyr and talk about, ‘Why did we make that choice in the original game and how does that play today? How do we expand that choice and make it even more meaningful and impactful?’ We think about, literally, every word of dialogue and [other choices] down to the clothes that the character is wearing.
(on bolded bit) So, like the skorts they put on Clair in REmake2? Or the other puritanical censorious edits made to "appeal to modern sensibilities"?

One word: blegh

idbeholdME: Especially in case of KOTOR, there is a slew of stuff that had to be cut/was left unfinished due to the game's troubled development cycle. If they just restored all of this, brought back the original author to finish/write the dialogue for it and just expand on what is already there, that would have been a reason to get excited.
There's actually a mod that adds in most of the cut content to the first game(and also the second as well, iirc). It is quite decent, from what i've played of it so far. :)
Post edited September 13, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
YaTEdiGo: Oh nice take Blizzard... they cannot control harrashers in their offices, but they save the world censoring a Hellish Game full of sucubbus.
Like a number of companies(game or otherwise) changing logos or posting fluff social media posts during certain times of the year, they'd rather do such stuff to appear a certain way to others than do anything that's actually needed/helpful....especially if it takes a certain amount of effort/money/etc.
Post edited September 13, 2021 by GamezRanker