Also, on topic of KOTOR.
The fact that they hired a writer to re-write the story should be instant red flags. And considering who the hired writer is, the red flags should be raised so high that they leave Earth's orbit.
And just reading this:
In an interview with, Treadwell also reiterated, “Our big goals on this are to bring the story to a modern audience and have it be just as impactful today as it was for players when it originally launched.”
Lucasfilm Games’ Executive Producer Orion Kellogg also told, “We’ve been working really, really closely with Aspyr for a long time now to deconstruct what made KOTOR so great and bring that back to new audiences, because we want this game to be an incredible RPG.”
Kellogg went on to hint that they will be
changing character designs, dialogue, and more, “We want this game to be just as beloved as it was before. Some of my favorite meetings to have in my week right now are to get into the nitty gritty with Aspyr and talk about, ‘Why did we make that choice in the original game and how does that play today? How do we expand that choice and make it even more meaningful and impactful?’ We think about, literally, every word of dialogue and [other choices] down to the clothes that the character is wearing.”
The highlighted part alone tells me all I need to know.
Especially in case of KOTOR, there is a slew of stuff that had to be cut/was left unfinished due to the game's troubled development cycle. If they just restored all of this, brought back the original author to finish/write the dialogue for it and just expand on what is already there, that would have been a reason to get excited. Instead, the goal seems to be to change the game for the "modern audience", which more often than not spells doom.
Orkhepaj: and not because it is a good game as it is not
Yes it is :)
What do we do now?