YaTEdiGo: Would this remaster also be afraid of women butts?
Probably.....and likely showing of legs or any hints of cleavage, etc etc.
It's getting almost puritanical, in some ways. Like I recently started playing the Clair campaign in REmake 2, and had a giggle/facepalm at the
skorts....the left who help with/oversee game making these days are getting as bad as(or maybe sometimes worse than) some on the right during the earlier decades of gaming.
Society got pretty far with showing the adult human body as an ok thing, not to be feared or shunned to be shown in media, and then the last few decades happened. If the feminists from decades back were still alive(or of sound enough mind, seeing as many of those who remain are likely very old now), they'd likely be facepalming and sighing to no end.
idbeholdME: I am a fan and I still enjoy the gameplay and play through the campaigns of all C&C games every so often and am extremely grateful they kept it intact.
C&C was one of the first games played in our house, and I loved the intro/the cutscenes/some of the characters/the music/a number of the units, etc etc....all good or quite decent.