Emob78: You're trying to shoot down a message because of the method of delivery via the messenger. Don't mistake one for the other. To do so would be ignorant and well... kinda trollish.
Breja: No. I'm stating a fact. Inspiration with Vietnam war of Nazi uniforms etc. has nothing to do with nonsensical comments about how bad it is to have a female main character in a series that has always had female main characters.
Also, I seriously am sick of this bullshit with you people. Why does everything on this forum need to be highjacked by this shitty gamergate fallout? Just stay in your fucking containment thread and let others have normal conversations without your nasty, trollish tomfoolery.
>drops mic<
>picks mic back up<
The point about Vietnam and the nazi uniforms is about subtle influences and 'larger themes' at stake. Putting a black man and woman as the two leads in a new generation of Star Wars films is NOT done on accident. Those faces are going to be plastered on every lunch box and t-shirt on Earth for the next couple of years. Their movie moments, their dialogue, everything about their characters are going to be parodied, repeated, copied, and merchandised. Nothing on that scale of potential profit is going to be done haphazardly and without cause. Now, does that cause affect me? Do I care? Not really. I lost faith in Star Wars during the prequel nightmare. I don't really give a shit either way. But I don't deny a truth simply because I may or may not have a stake in it's existence.
You're just playing that 'sit down and shut up' mantra of the group as it attempts to deflect a... different awareness brought about by a fellow traveler. Hey, at the very least a racist troll is honest. I can't say that about the rest of the 99%. If you want to deny the influences behind your favorite space fantasy pop culture franchise, that's your choice. But the larger issues shouldn't be denied or rejected just because some racist hillbilly tells you about how the jews are taking over hollywood. Don't be so hostile to ideas that seem hostile. Hey, at the very least someone's trolling is free entertainment to gawk at and mock.