Sq2: Dear GOG,
You are the best! I've missed Trine 2. I spent most of today check, as often as I could to see if Trine 2 had been listed or watching the current listings. I had to go out this evening to fulfill a promise I made 3 weeks ago. I was out for several hours.
When I got home this evening - what was on GOG - Trine 2 Perfect I click the Buy Now button and guess what... I got it for FREE!
Thanks GOG for all the hours of pleasure I get from your games. For allowing me to stock pile games I may never get around to playing, thanks for the sleepless nights, the lack of nutrition, the FORUM Family (FF) which is the best...well bottom line GOG thanks for everything. You ROCK!
Oh my goodness. Congratulations. I love stories like this.