Getcomposted: Eye of the Beholder was my first experience of RPG's.
Loved it. To the extent I got graph paper and made my own maps. :D Hated that on Level 1? (3?) there was a long passage that alternated between 16 and 18? steps between games...
I still have the disks somwhere although my Amiga is long gone...
Tarnicus: Until a few years ago I still had the hand drawn maps that my friend made whilst I played. We made all decisions about where to go and what to do as a team, I was just party leader so to speak and he was the cartographer. We got barely any sleep and finished the game in 3 days during school holidays when we were 15. It was so much fun and reminds me of us all staying up late here helping each other out for a common goal :)
He is no longer with us unfortunately, dying tragically aged 36. RIP Michael W <3