#parts copied from another forum SPOILERS, obviously
DaCostaBR: I really liked it. More than Force Awakens I think, and I enjoyed Force Awakens last year
Me too!
It was good, with its own story and characters, unlike ep7.
Not perfect, but finally a worthy new entry.
And the space battles.. wow!
DaCostaBR: It does feel a bit different from the usual Star Wars film. You don't have an opening crawl, there's no Star Wars theme either. [..]
I missed the usual intro, though.
Also, this is basically ep3.9, more than a side-story.
DaCostaBR: The characters were a mixed bag.[..]
Yeah, the new characters were OK-ish.
For me, both Jyn and Cassian had a too sudden change of mind. Nothing too terrible, luckly.
I rolled my eyes for K-2SO, but then I got fond of him lol.
The new villain was good enough, even if clearly an expendable one due to the plot.
The worst characters for me were Gerrera, who behave like a madman and suddenly become good, and that generic defector pilot.
The protectors' duo wasn't perfect, but I basically started to like the movie at the blind Jedi (Ipman!).
The force finally entered the story and some battles vs the empire begun.
DaCostaBR: Holy shit, Grand Moff Tarkin was amazing! [..] You see Leia at the end of the film with de-aging CGI and it was alright [..]
Darth Vader had a very brief appearance, but another very impressive one. [..] We see how frightning he can be to regular, non-Jedis.
I loved all the old characters appearances too, even if CGI :D
DaCostaBR: I wish it wasn't such a direct lead in to EpIV. It makes it seem more superfluous, like a 2h long intro cutscene [..]
That was quite a nice surprise and made the movie
less superfluous and more canon!
It connected perfectly to Ep4 :)
Also, I really liked how they managed to justify the Death Star's silly weak point in ep4 (let's ignore ep6 lol).
Some minor complaints:
- Stormtroopers armor is still useless lol.
- that truth-monster scene was quite pointless.
- in the games, the rebel spaceships (Xwings,etc) have shields that can last various hits, but they're basically never used in the movies.
- again in the games, Star Destroyers are way more tough and intimidating (heavy shields, many turbolasers, anti-aircraft bombs, homing torpedos, various fighter squadrons).
- moving a Star Destroyer with a single Corvette? 3 or 4 would have been more believable.
- why didn't the rebel fleet directly attack the orbital base? It was clear that it was shielding the planet.
- was that huge archive so useless that could be destroyed without problems? I wish they had justified its loss with something (e.g: old copy, all the info was transferred on the DS)
Check this comment by some user:
- Leia: "I'm a member of the Empirial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan." - Vader: "Please, I saw you leave the Battle like 10 minutes ago." Oh lol, I forgot about that XD