HappyPunkPotato: Where are you GoG forum members who have played this game?
Cavalary: To be fair, seems like just a few did, and you did say not look it up (which I did as soon as you posted, but not going to just say the result again if you said no - did it once but then the asker seemed to want it).
That comment was just to lead into the "I’ve been expecting you" quote. I did think this one would be easy but perhaps that's just because I'm a bit obsessed with the game. Most fans tend to love the second game in the series and not so much this one (the first one).
It's not Max Payne 3. Think I'm on a bit of a quiet mountain with this one ;-)
Looking it up always seems pointless because it changes the game from "can you guess the game?" to "can you use a search engine?". But if you (or anyone else) are keen to have a go feel free to look it up and post.
Here's one last quote anyway: "Have you seen a little girl anywhere? I’m looking for my daughter, she’s only seven. Short, black hair."