Posted February 01, 2022
I agree otherwise on your points here
I do believe when other supply chain rough patchs newer games would be ported regularly again..
But I also believe in time likely several years from now they will do the microsoft day and date console and pc release factor..
I say the last bit as when a company gets enough in it seeing how much easy money games put on pc make them and enough pc players that won't go to consoles or in other cases won't go back to console its best to tap into that market plus despite having a cut of the sale taken by a platform they would still likily be making more money from not selling a console at a loss in that pc game case
Side note I do believe some newish game ports was easy marketing and hype train to try selling a console to pc players fore the next installment of a game ip by that I mean Horizan Zero Dawn and that God of war was ported to pc for those reasons as abit of extra work and you both get the money back from the port and possibly new consumers .. Granted I admit for Horizan I will say only way I will get a console to play the sequal if well near the ps5 life cycle being over and the game isn't announced to be ported to be pc odds are I will get a ps5 on sale then and the Horizan forbidden west to play.. I ain't ashamed to admit that as I while being a pc player I am willing to get a console to play a ip I am invested in storywise if odds are of a port happening is slim at such a piont in a consoles life cycle...