snowkatt: not only that but rhode island forked over 75 million loan to the studio
considering they greenlighted a 75 million dollar loan for it
Niggles: Cheers for that info. Im curious how much the IP would be worth now ,i assume someone would have to cough up to pay that loan off plus interest etc alone even before negotiating....
and somehow shilling managed to negotiate paying back "only" 2,5 million
so that leaves the rhode island tax payer with 74 million down the tubes >>An investigation by the Rhode Island State Police did not come up with sufficient evidence thus preventing the studio being indicted with criminal charges. However, civil litigation continued,[34] ultimately leading to a settlement in 2016 with Shilling and other executives agreed to pay back $2.5 million.[35] This settlement leaves the state of Rhode Island owing $28.2 million on the bonds.<<
and i dont think EA or any other company is interested in forking over 28 million to ressurect the IP
they could and i have heard of stranger things happening
but i dont think they will
the game is still for sale on steam so a deal was obviously brokered the real question is for how long ?
and whent he contract expires will Ea be arsed to extend it ?
big huge games cant help because they went under with team 38
were revived in 2014 after buying the rights back from rhode island
and are currently owned by nexon