rtcvb32: followed by Classical
Could you please be more specific?
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Are we considering "Rap" to be 'music?'
I consider it to be noise pollution, not music.
But if we are considering it to be music, then it's the worst, by far.
Defining whether something is "music" is not so easy.
For example, John Cage's famous work 4'33" consists entirely of silence (or at least no sound from the performers), but the composer considered it to be music, and there has been serious discussion about whether it counts as music. (At least 4'33" can't be argued to be noise pollution.)
With that said, I'd say that the majority of popular music, especially things like "heavy metal", feel like noise pollution to me. (I'd rather listen to an operatic soprano, or perhaps even a piccolo playing in the upper range.)