Keith_I2: So many update files without warning
Thanks at least for what my 80 year old mind would rather not dwell on. At least the new 28 download files and 2 deluxe files are working just fine!
Then turn off automatic updates in Galaxy for that game - so you can bypass them, if you don't want them.
Also, it's often best to buy older titles from GOG that likely will NOT get updated much or even at all, so you can have likely the final version from here and never have to worry about downloading big updates & dealing with file integrity stuff.
For example - owning stuff like Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete is fine here. Download the installer files and be fine with it; I doubt Obsidian and Atari's gonna update that anytime soon.
I usually use Galaxy only for newer titles - like Cyberpunk 2077. Games getting updates constantly are a pain here, if you ain't using Galaxy. I'll probably buy stuff like BG3 when that game's old and done being updated...or it's so cheap, I wouldn't care - which probably won't be anytime soon.