amok: Iy has a 'Mostly Positive' rating on Steam, 79% out of 310k reviews. soit looks like quite a few people seem to like it. It also looks like the ratings are goinf up, as it was a few % lower a couple of weeks ago
Crosmando: Dude, Steam reviews are VASTLY skewed toward the positive end, if a massive AAA multi-million dollar production that has been advertised and hyped everywhere for the last year gets "Mostly Positive" then something is definetely wrong.
i don't think so, as it is based on a binary, which is then aggregated. "do you recommend this game yes/no" - that is the ranking. The reviews are something else, and you need to read them. So 79% of the people who played it on steam, found it good enough to recommend. I think that's a good number, more than average. What you read into it, is your problem. I have enjoyed games with a lot lower score then this
edit - don't forget that to be able to give a ranking and review on steam, you need to own the game and you must have played it for a certain amount of time, as oposed to other stores I know. I tend to find the Steam score a good yardstick, as it is based on players agregated ranking, instead of single reviewers subjective scores. SO out of the 310k players ~245k players liked it enough to recommend it. So to answer the OP quesion, yes at least 245k players on Steam liked it