Posted August 19, 2017
Gurlok: What? Didn't know that Cleve was so prone to even do these extreme actions, this is so sad...
Glazunov: Oh, on his old forum in the late 90s, he used to ban folks regularly, if not in as great a number. Some steamers are loud, nasty, and self-entitled, and Cleve's always viewed image as an important part of PR. Put them together, and you have vanishing reviews and banned users. If it makes his product shine more and stink a bit less...? Well, he'd probably laugh and say it was all to the good. I think he is either referring on Cleve's old forum or "reviews" in the form of threads on steam, rather than official steam reviews. The only way I know to remove steam reviews from a game is to completeley delete a game's store page and make it again, that will clear any negative review (along positive ones) and its steam forum. This practice was done sometime in the past, in order to clear games from a too bad score, a douche move, nonetheless to say.