Posted August 19, 2017

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

New User
Registered: Aug 2015
From United States
Posted August 19, 2017

If the dev keeps doing this, and by doing so continue to aggravate potential buyers, you'd think it would become a bigger hassle than Steam can just ignore.
I'd love to see them pull the guy aside and tell him, "You wanna treat our customers like this fine, fuck you, go peddle your crap elsewhere."

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted August 19, 2017

Added images for the now *banned* review and Barkmore's response.
Sure looks like he is trying to make a good impression for his future submission.
Banning felipepepepepe though (who is one of the less drama-prone posters on the dex - a guy who just wants to talk about RPGs and knows his shit) and bragging about cancelling his backer key and withholding his backer rewards over a piece of constructive criticism, that's some grade A dumbfuckery right there. I don't think it's going to sit well with the rest of the Codex either. Deleting valid criticism is nothing but cowardice and not befitting of a guy that claims to have fought Mexican gangbangers with nothing but a bottle of baby food.

Famous Titles
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted August 19, 2017
Post edited August 19, 2017 by qwixter

Too Kool for Skool
Registered: Sep 2014
From Mexico
Posted August 19, 2017
Thanks for the link Painted_Doll. Looks like interesting reading. i'm sorry but i'm new to this rpgcodex stuff, what does incline mean??? Not sure how it describes a game and can also be used as an emoticon.

custard tart
Registered: Jun 2013
From Portugal
Posted August 19, 2017

It's basically old school gamers complaining about the usual stuff, how things were "so much better in the good old days", how games didn't hold your hand, how much closer to the REAL pen & paper experience they were, how we have been experiencing "decline" for years, now. Because, obviously, every single gamer in the world feels that games should only cater to their own needs, and leave everyone else out, because video games should be an elite thing, and not for everyone.
Because, see?, you can no longer play old games or even pen & paper RPGs anymore, developers *have* to keep making the same old games over and over again. Or else they're promoting decline.
Just to make things clear: I don't agree with these people and I generally tend to dislike them. If they want to keep playing the same game over and over again, they can just keep playing the same games they already play.
Post edited August 19, 2017 by groze

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

Too Kool for Skool
Registered: Sep 2014
From Mexico
Posted August 19, 2017
Thanks for the explanation groze.

Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted August 20, 2017
Groze, thank you. Explanations of the incline/decline meme tend to get lost in the thread.
Maybe groze's post should be stickied to the top of every page.
The divisive Grimoire cRPG question is "What angle is the incline/decline?"
Certain angles of declination can make you feel like you are flying.
Certain angles of inclination are too steep for tractor trailer trucks with heavy loads.
Maybe groze's post should be stickied to the top of every page.
The divisive Grimoire cRPG question is "What angle is the incline/decline?"
Certain angles of declination can make you feel like you are flying.
Certain angles of inclination are too steep for tractor trailer trucks with heavy loads.

New User
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted August 23, 2017

It's basically old school gamers complaining about the usual stuff, how things were "so much better in the good old days", how games didn't hold your hand, how much closer to the REAL pen & paper experience they were, how we have been experiencing "decline" for years, now. Because, obviously, every single gamer in the world feels that games should only cater to their own needs, and leave everyone else out, because video games should be an elite thing, and not for everyone.
Because, see?, you can no longer play old games or even pen & paper RPGs anymore, developers *have* to keep making the same old games over and over again. Or else they're promoting decline.
Just to make things clear: I don't agree with these people and I generally tend to dislike them. If they want to keep playing the same game over and over again, they can just keep playing the same games they already play.
Post edited August 23, 2017 by Glazunov

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted August 23, 2017
[url=]This[/url] was my first cRPG, played on my trusty Apple ][c, on a green-and-black monitor with no hard drive. I poured hundreds of hours into it as a kid. I learned a lot about programming in BASIC from designing my own dungeons and having to script events. Now THOSE were the good 'ol days!

New User
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted August 23, 2017

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted August 23, 2017

My first games were also on the TRS-80 (which I still have) which came with an asounding 4k of RAM and ran off of cassettes.
I don't remember many, though. We didn't have that one. We had Star Trek and some adventure game where you had to get into a pyramid or temple or something.
Had to graduate to the Apple to get into some real gaming.

New User
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted August 23, 2017

My first games were also on the TRS-80 (which I still have) which came with an asounding 4k of RAM and ran off of cassettes.
I don't remember many, though. We didn't have that one. We had Star Trek and some adventure game where you had to get into a pyramid or temple or something.
Had to graduate to the Apple to get into some real gaming.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States