0Grapher: For the most part, FONV music didn't resonate with me and all in all, I think, they aren't as good.
Well, New Vegas has a post-nuclear western / rat pack theme going for it, so the soundtrack is appropriate. Still, that`s a matter of taste. Personally, I think it fits wonderfully. Besides, I really got tired of hearing "I don't want to set the world on fire" for the millionth time, myself.
Thanks, for the answer. I'm familiar with some things you mentioned, though not all of them.
What makes these quests, NPCs and locations better than FO3's in your opinion?
More options in dealing with the quests given to you, more diverse roleplaying choices (in part due to the skill checks that usually open up even more options to resolve a situation) that go beyond being the wasteland Jesus or the child-strangling madman. New Vegas let me be who I wanted to be more than Fallout 3 ever allowed.
In all, New Vegas simply resonated more with me. Fallout 3 tries so hard to make you care about your dad, about self-sacrifice and all that. Didn't touch me at all. In fact, I thought it was trite and silly. But just sitting there with Chief Hanlon on the balcony of Camp Golf, listening to his story and why he did the things he did, after what originally seemed like an incredibly drawn-out fetch quest....just talking to him and what happened next based on my decision (I won't spoil it here), that has staid with me ever since I played it.
There are moments in that game that I find hauntingly sad and sometimes beautiful. The diaries of the Father in the Cave, or the holograms in the Sierra Madre. They are projections of the people who died in that building, still repeating the same final sentences they spoke before they died, slowly and horribly. Or simply strolling through Vault 11, finding out piece by piece what happened in there, until you find out for yourself.
Fallout 3 was fun whenever I disregarded the main plot completely and just went out scavenging. New Vegas had me from the very start and kept my interest until the very end.