Posted December 15, 2020
matterbandit: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation aired on tv tonight and I remembered it being mentioned a couple of times in this forum, so I decided to watch it. LOVED IT!! I can't believe I've never seen this 80's gem starring Chevy Chase! Sense of humour was unapologetic and right up my alley. Aunt Bethany's unexpected recital of the pledge of allegiance had me in stitches! The movie's a charming caricature of the holidays, with an awkward cast of wacky in-laws, a rampant squirrel and everything in between. It has a strong chance of becoming my favorite Christmas movie too. :P Great discovery this was! :)
Santa likes that even the older christmas movies are till being discovered and enjoyed to this day. National Lampoon's Christmas vacation is a funny and lighthearted story, indeed. What Santa left in your stocking is another tale, entirely.