lanipcga: This is only slightly related, but apart from a few exceptions, my close friends aren't into gaming. Consequently, I've kept my lifelong addiction to PC games a secret from them. I know it's very silly, but given the stigma surrounding such an "unproductive, basement-dwelling" hobby, I'd rather keep it to myself. I'm much more open and honest about it amongst my online friends, though.
I once got some crap about the hobby and its expenses from a sister-in-law. In response I asked her how much time and money her husband spends on playing pool, traveling for tournaments (that he won't win), etc. Both playing games, but one is acceptable and the other not, apparently.
In my library, I'm not ashamed of any games. Might be some questionable music albums, however. ; ) Reminds me, wife just picked up a Wham! LP Saturday. Told her she's wasting her money since it's not going on my turntable.