Posted April 07, 2018
You see no reason why a fascist would enact a liberal policy to throw good light on himself?
A liberal policy has been passed and, let me get this straight, you think if the president was fascist his best policy would be to lie about the cards he passed to you? How on earth? He gains nothing, liberal policy is passed already, and he the only thing he achieves by lying is exposing himself to you and drawing attention to himself.
I'm not saying you or greek are fascists, I'm just drawing everyone's attention to the possibilites. 4 people did draw the fascist card, and if zeo's draw is random then everyone has same chance as anyone else. As far as I'm concerned everyone is a possible fascist until his actions prove otherwise.
I... I just can't believe anyone can be such a bad fascist player as you made yourself to hypothetically be. "If I was a fascist I would..." followed by bad fascist advice. That, and your "ignorance" of the rule that fascists know each others strike me extremely LAMISL.
(and now because of what you wrote I have a small gut feeling against Lift too...)
However... the fact that both of you now defended each other indicates to me that either one (or both) of you must liberal. If you were both fascists you'd be distancing yourself from each other.