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high rated
theMole4: Bad news, people.

This spreadsheet

is accessible again, but now there is just a parting message from its author that explains his reasons from leaving GOG and abandoning the spreadsheet.
Damn, somehow I missed the last half in that thread. This is bad and a tad sad. I mean, I liked his contribution and keeping an analytical eye on things, and he could actually argue with facts, not feelings or certain pre-disp towards someone "just because".

Ironically, they've banned a person who took the objective middle ground and even "defended" GOG's decisions. Talk about slicing off the hand that literally feed them :D

I'm not looking into another fight, but yes, there are trolls here that play "oh-so dumb and innocent", and not the ones that pushes back.
Post edited March 10, 2020 by sanscript
My suspicions were correct it seems. I was somewhat following that thread and still believe that a ban was an excessive measure. Simply issue a warning to take it to PMs or lock the thread before grabbing the ban hammer.


Really gonna miss the spreadsheet.
high rated
idbeholdME: ...and still believe that a ban was an excessive measure..
It most certainly was/is. Perhaps GOG should just close the General forum as I can't remember a worse case of neglect/abuse of this scale...
low rated
GameRager: no one(not even me, as well) should be above the site rules, no matter what they offer to the community
You didn't understand my phrase.
I was criticizing RWarehall for removing his spreadsheet, thus punishing all goggers, which it's unjust in my opinion.
I think his info was helping customers, more than Gog (it was actually slightly harmful for them, because people could distinguish good promos vs bad ones).

idbeholdME: still believe that a ban was an excessive measure. Simply issue a warning to take it to PMs or lock the thread before grabbing the ban hammer.
I agree, but maybe he received previous warnings?
Post edited March 10, 2020 by phaolo
low rated
theMole4: Bad news, people.
TL;DR: RWarehall is banned for 35 days because of his offensive behavior, but he obviously thinks he is not guilty.

And guess what he continued to do? That's right: insult moderators and users in the spreadsheet.

I think he really needs this "vacation" to calm down a bit. This time he crossed the line with all these insults and personal attacks. As you can see, the moderator even edited some of his recent posts:

Moreover, he already received a warning from LexRust in November, which he ignored and continued to insult the topic participants. Considering the fact that it wasn't the first time he did such things (remember the topics about rejection of Grimoire and Wizardry, for example), I think it was definitely not the first warning from moderators that he received, but this time his behavior and ignoring the warnings reached a boiling point. If he defiantly ignores warnings and continues to violate forum rules, what else should the moderators do?

It's a pity that the spreadsheet is no longer available, but the fact that you are doing something useful for the GOG community doesn't give you the right to neglect the forum rules and treat other community members as garbage.
low rated
The post above is exactly what happened.

Rwarehall's opinions were not at issue...

... but his continual and worsening insults, obscenities, and abuse of the reputation system -- even after what seem multiple MOD warnings -- were against GOG's forum rules and would seem to have resulted in his temporary ban. And to be fair, these weren't scenarios where his actions were questionable... they were scenarios where he CLEARLY broke forum rules.

The fact that Rwarehall would not heed the caution of the MODS, then insult them in the spreadsheet and ultimately "locked" the spreadsheet is not surprising. It seems consistent with his recent behavior.

As I said in the Raven's Cry thread...

Rwarehall provided a great resource to the community with his spreadsheet and price tracking, but that doesn't then allow him -- or anyone here -- to continually hurl insults and obscenities / break forum rules.

I hope Rwarehall will reconsider blocking his spreadsheet and will ultimately return, but hopefully he will have a better perspective on his actions and behavior
high rated
Bad read this, Rwarehall made a great job, i´ll miss him.
high rated
kai2: Rwarehall's opinions were not at issue...
I call major BS, as you couldn't stand his reasoning based on empirical observation in the first place, and you seem to think that the statistics / other reviewers are his opinions. That's were the whole deja vu started, on post 5.

Same was that damned whining about Grimoire. Don't come here talking about juvenile behavior, you and rjbuffchix are among the worst when it comes to juvenile behavior! When he provided a fact you slashed him with noise. Seriously, you gang-banged him. Any sane person would be pissed.

Only psychopathic trolls would fail to see why he lost it...
low rated
idbeholdME: My suspicions were correct it seems. I was somewhat following that thread and still believe that a ban was an excessive measure. Simply issue a warning to take it to PMs or lock the thread before grabbing the ban hammer.
As JC said in post 20, he got multiple warnings before, and he kept on doing it....insulting users and mods alike while thinking he was above the rules here.

I also will miss the spreadsheet, but he made his "bed" and now must lie in it.
sanscript: It most certainly was/is. Perhaps GOG should just close the General forum as I can't remember a worse case of neglect/abuse of this scale...
What about when others got bans for single posts or even single words?

Frankly tbh I don't get how some(not you but others) can seemingly indirectly support such behavior by ANY user just because they did a service for the community.

Imo it'd be like if a person IRL helped out at a soup kitchen then went around smacking people at random/etc, and then when the cops went to lock that person up people would be saying "Officer, that man shouldn't be arrested...he does a service for this community and locking him up isn't right".

OHMYGODJCABOMB: Moreover, he already received a warning from LexRust in November, which he ignored and continued to insult the topic participants. Considering the fact that it wasn't the first time he did such things (remember the topics about rejection of Grimoire and Wizardry, for example), I think it was definitely not the first warning from moderators that he received, but this time his behavior and ignoring the warnings reached a boiling point. If he defiantly ignores warnings and continues to violate forum rules, what else should the moderators do?
This....if anyone(even me) did such at any other forum they'd/i'd have been banned long ago.....mods were more than lenient with him.

OHMYGODJCABOMB: It's a pity that the spreadsheet is no longer available, but the fact that you are doing something useful for the GOG community doesn't give you the right to neglect the forum rules and treat other community members as garbage.
Agreed.....people need to be civil and follow the rules set in place....if one has a problem with someone there are formal channels to take action(mod reports/etc).
Post edited March 10, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
sanscript: I call major BS, as you couldn't stand his reasoning based on empirical observation in the first place, and you seem to think that the statistics / other reviewers are his opinions. That's were the whole deja vu started, on post 5.
Kai2 and a few of the others(like me) DID disagree with him on some points, yes, but what does that have to do with his behavior/replies? Are you trying to say that what he said/did was justified due to people disagreeing with him, or something else entirely?

sanscript: Same was that damned whining about Grimoire. Don't come here talking about juvenile behavior, you and rjbuffchix are among the worst when it comes to juvenile behavior!
RJ might be a bit "juvenile" in her posts sometimes(with her silly wording for some other storefronts, etc), but even so she is still very nice to most here(and helpful sometimes as well), and Kai2 is usually very informative/civil and even contributes their own threads to the board from time to time on various gaming related topics.

Rwarehall did some good things as well, but he had some issues which grated on people's nerves and went against board rules/common etiquette.

sanscript: When he provided a fact you slashed him with noise. Seriously, you gang-banged him. Any sane person would be pissed.
He could've went to staff and reported those he thought were doing such to him, and not hurled expletives at people, called them trolls without proof, hinted at everyone else but him being dumb(on the thread topic), etc.

Also the way he acted BEFORE all that didn't make people warm up to him, if I may be totally honest here.

sanscript: Only psychopathic trolls would fail to see why he lost it...
It's an internet forum....he should've stepped away from the PC, calmed down, and then avoided the thread entirely if it bothered him so much(or reported posts/people if need be so staff could look into it).....yet he kept coming back to it and posting new posts essentially saying those who wanted such games here were dumb and had no taste, etc.

Then when people got upset at him for how he was acting/posting he started swearing at some of them, calling anyone who disagreed with him/criticized him(even those who just calmly asked him why he was swearing) a troll, etc.

Most of us kept posting civilly and didn't swear at him or try to insult most I made some light jabs after he'd been that way for awhile due to being perturbed at his behavior.....he then got banned(after a few prior warnings from staff and the urging/advice of other users) and instead of acting mature about it he essentially threw a fit and stormed off while giving everyone the finger.

As such I and if I may be blunt here(people seem to dislike my niceness anyways so I might as well be blunt a bit sometimes): He acted out and got a time out. Then he kept acting out. I(and likely others as well) wish it didn't have to happen and wanted to debate civilly with him but he didn't seem to want to make that a possibility, so he left us with no choice but to report him.

If he comes back and changes his mind/wants to talk civilly with us I will reciprocate and I am sure others will as well, but that is up to him ultimately.

phaolo: You didn't understand my phrase.
I was criticizing RWarehall for removing his spreadsheet, thus punishing all goggers, which it's unjust in my opinion.
I think his info was helping customers, more than Gog (it was actually slightly harmful for them, because people could distinguish good promos vs bad ones).
My mistake and I agree 100%...he shouldn't have punished other goggers for being banned/the actions of others he disliked by removing his sheets.....but I still think it's ultimately up to him(his sheet, his rules on it...etc).

That is why I hope(as some here said) he either comes back and we can make up or someone else takes up the "mantle"/effort he once did during sales.
Post edited March 10, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
sanscript: snip
As you can see, the Vendetta topic was abandoned since December.

Then StrongSoldier appeared to ask a question, and RWarehall almost immediately started his "everyone here is dumb" mantra again (including numerous downvotes for StrongSoldier).

It wasn't an accident. He knew what he was doing, because he had done the same things many times before.

What prevented him from ignoring the topic in which he had already received a warning for violating the forum rules, except for the desire to provoke another conflict?
high rated
GameRager: It's an internet forum....he should've stepped away from the PC, calmed down, and then avoided the thread entirely if it bothered him so much(or reported posts/people if need be so staff could look into it)....
So you did listen when I told you the same? ;)

And this is not a case of "he's doing something everybody likes, therefore he should be untouchable" fallacy. Even you know how silly it is to think like that when there is no evidence that people generally think so... right? That's a straw-man argument.

But no, none of us is perfect :)
Post edited March 10, 2020 by sanscript
high rated
Hello everyone.

You are free to discuss the spreadsheet, whether expressing feelings about it, planning whether/how to replace it, etc.

You are more or less free to talk about the facts around moderator actions. That said, please stick to the facts; one of the forum guidelines is that individual moderation decisions are not up for public debate on the forum.

You are not free to insult other users. I'm seeing some of that creeping in to some posts here. This is your warning. Please refrain.
low rated
kai2: Rwarehall's opinions were not at issue...
sanscript: I call major BS, as you couldn't stand his reasoning based on empirical observation in the first place, and you seem to think that the statistics / other reviewers are his opinions. That's were the whole deja vu started, on post 5.

it was his insults, obscenities, and abuse of the reputation system that I -- and many others -- took issue with.

We are all bound by the GOG forum rules.

We are not free here to abuse and harass others.

Rwarehall seemingly thought he was above the rules. The MODS warned him.
Post edited March 10, 2020 by kai2
low rated
sanscript: So you did listen when I told you the same? :P
I heed that advice as best as possible....if someone upsets me here I usually try to remain calm and talk civilly to them or find another thread to post in(I stay here and on the net a lot due to sadly being mostly home bound).

sanscript: And this is not a case of "he's doing something everybody likes, therefore he should be untouchable" fallacy. Even you know how silly it is to think like that when there is no evidence that people generally think so... right? That's a straw-man argument.
Then answer me something: what other reason would cause a few to be so "up in arms" for him to come back?

And even if we set that aside, he still broke the rules and was insulting many times to various users & ignored prior warnings which resulted in a ban(as he wouldn't listen to anything else).

sanscript: But no, none of us is perfect :)
Except maybe Keannu Reeves...and Christopher Walken...and Chuck Norris. :)

Bookwyrm627: You are not free to insult other users. I'm seeing some of that creeping in to some posts here. This is your warning. Please refrain.
I hope it's not the mentioning by me/others of what that user did that likely got them banned? I am trying to keep it as civil as possible and just posting such to show my side of the story.....if anything is borderline/etc let me know via PM/etc.
Post edited March 10, 2020 by GameRager