sanscript: I call major BS, as you couldn't stand his reasoning based on empirical observation in the first place, and you seem to think that the statistics / other reviewers are his opinions. That's were the whole deja vu started, on post 5.
Kai2 and a few of the others(like me) DID disagree with him on some points, yes, but what does that have to do with his behavior/replies? Are you trying to say that what he said/did was justified due to people disagreeing with him, or something else entirely?
sanscript: Same was that
damned whining about Grimoire. Don't come here talking about juvenile behavior, you and rjbuffchix are among the worst when it comes to juvenile behavior!
RJ might be a bit "juvenile" in her posts sometimes(with her silly wording for some other storefronts, etc), but even so she is still very nice to most here(and helpful sometimes as well), and Kai2 is usually very informative/civil and even contributes their own threads to the board from time to time on various gaming related topics.
Rwarehall did some good things as well, but he had some issues which grated on people's nerves and went against board rules/common etiquette.
sanscript: When he provided a fact you slashed him with noise. Seriously, you gang-banged him. Any sane person would be pissed.
He could've went to staff and reported those he thought were doing such to him, and not hurled expletives at people, called them trolls without proof, hinted at everyone else but him being dumb(on the thread topic), etc.
Also the way he acted BEFORE all that didn't make people warm up to him, if I may be totally honest here.
sanscript: Only psychopathic trolls would fail to see why he lost it...
It's an
internet forum....he should've stepped away from the PC, calmed down, and then avoided the thread entirely if it bothered him so much(or reported posts/people if need be so staff could look into it).....yet he kept coming back to it and posting new posts essentially saying those who wanted such games here were dumb and had no taste, etc.
Then when people got upset at him for how he was acting/posting he started swearing at some of them, calling anyone who disagreed with him/criticized him(even those who just calmly asked him why he was swearing) a troll, etc.
Most of us kept posting civilly and didn't swear at him or try to insult most I made some light jabs after he'd been that way for awhile due to being perturbed at his behavior.....he then got banned(after a few prior warnings from staff and the urging/advice of other users) and instead of acting mature about it he essentially threw a fit and stormed off while giving everyone the finger.
As such I and if I may be blunt here(people seem to dislike my niceness anyways so I might as well be blunt a bit sometimes): He acted out and got a time out. Then he kept acting out. I(and likely others as well) wish it didn't have to happen and wanted to debate civilly with him but he didn't seem to want to make that a possibility, so he left us with no choice but to report him.
If he comes back and changes his mind/wants to talk civilly with us I will reciprocate and I am sure others will as well, but that is up to him ultimately.
phaolo: You didn't understand my phrase.
I was criticizing RWarehall for removing his spreadsheet, thus punishing all goggers, which it's unjust in my opinion.
I think his info was helping customers, more than Gog (it was actually slightly harmful for them, because people could distinguish good promos vs bad ones).
My mistake and I agree 100%...he shouldn't have punished other goggers for being banned/the actions of others he disliked by removing his sheets.....but I still think it's ultimately up to him(his sheet, his rules on it...etc).
That is why I hope(as some here said) he either comes back and we can make up or someone else takes up the "mantle"/effort he once did during sales.