tritone: I accidentally closed the browser tab I was browsing the Lunar Sale on, and had to start "all over again". But it's really easy to get back to the page you were on (if you remembered it). If you look at the URL at the top of your browser window, usually starts with "" you'll notice the end of the URL will say something like "page=1". Just change the "1" to whatever page number you want and hit Enter, and you'll be whisked to that page.
Cough cough .... you need to think it through, what I said.
If the number of pages change from 38 to 21, then Page 18 etc that you were at, is no longer Page 18.
You must also consider, that games were removed from probably every one of those 38 pages, and who knows, maybe even the order of them changed, based on some algorithm we are not aware of.
So I had no choice, but to start all over again from the start ... Page 1 .... just to be sure.
Be a different story, if I had still realized there was 38 sale pages, as it now seems clear there was. I could have done exactly like you said and just gone back to whatever page I was on ... or close enough, if I didn't recall the number ... though if I really wanted to find it out, there is always the browser history.
mqstout: GOG really needs to implement an "view all in one page" list view and screw this multipage crap.
They almost do that with each individual collective sale's page.
Only the highest discounts RPG Tactical Action adventure etc