GameRager: Then you'd likely be best served by going through the entire catalog once, as I suggested above, and adding all wanted games in in one go(then checking wishlists during sales along with Rwarehall's lists).....then adding new games when GOG launches them here. :)
I have done, and I have already covered that before ... above. I have a few shy of six full wishlist pages. When I check out a game I do it properly, which takes time. And with so many games I forget the details of most, even why I add them to my wishlist sometimes, which then requires a refresher. Sometimes it is just mood based too.
GameRager: That is why I often buy some really wanted games right away(if the deal is good and I really want them) to avoid losing out if a discount is wrong/etc.
I sometimes do the same with a game I really want and have been waiting for a discount on.
GameRager: Also make sure to read post 12 on the end if you haven't already...I think I found how/why you got to 21 pages. :) I did, and I guess there is a very slim chance that happened, but as you can see by the number of games I have here at GOG, I ain't no beginner. I come to GOG virtually every day, I have checked out many many sales.
I am not the naive or inexperienced person you seem to think I am with some of your replies above. Add to that I have been using a PC for decades and know my way around that and the web, plus the fact I program every day for a hobby, and I am sure you can work out I know a thing or two by now.
I guess I also need to point out, that I say stuff deliberately sometimes in the manner I do, for a reason ... and it's not always obvious why if you don't ponder the possibilities.
Just remember, it is not always what you say that counts, but also what you don't say ... and you can take that two ways .... deliberate or not deliberate.