StingingVelvet: It's hard to imagine anyone interested in GTA5 not owning it yet, so not sure I'd pay them for that (which would surely cost a lot). Doesn't really matter to me though.
I assume this is to get a lot of gamers that are somehiw missing GTA5 to basically get them onto GTA: Online and its Shark Cards.
Regardless, GTA5 has a great single-player campaign. Those looking for that, it's more GTA greatness.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: 5 is good. But not as good as San Andreas.
I 'd rather pay for a GOG release of GTA1/2/Trilogy!
Hell, after gtaIV things started getting sour in that series...
All of those remastered would be sweet.
More than anything, I really want to see a Vice City 2.