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fronzelneekburm: Feel free to let me know how it runs on your laptop, I'm curious! It ran like shit on my 10 years old PC, likewise on my 5 years old laptop and kinda barely runs adequately on my fairly recent machine. I haven't tried any mods yet, since I figured I might as well try all the games I bought during the past decade that I hadn't tried before and that run well out of the box.
timppu: Here is the GTA IV benchmark results on my old ASUS G75VW gaming laptop (using the graphics options that the game suggested, and vsync off):
Average FPS: 61.67
Duration: 36.82 sec
CPU Usage: 46%
System memory usage: 29%
Video memory usage: 13%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1920 x 1080 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: High
Shadow Quality: High
Reflection Resolution: High
Water Quality: Very High
Texture Filter Quality: Anisotropic x4
Night Shadows: Off
View Distance: 25
Detail Distance: 31

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Service Pack 1
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M
Video Driver version: 391.35
Audio Adapter: Speakers (VIA HD Audio)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

During the gameplay though, without vsync the framerate did seem to dip a little bit under 30 fps at some points. I'd say the game was running at around 24-75 fps depending what was on the screen. I didn't try to change the graphics options to see how much they'd affect it.

With vsync on, it would fluctuate between 60 and 30 fps.

However, it runs considerably better than what I was expecting, considering the age of my PC. For this type of game, I consider it quite playable, so I might actually start playing it now while I'm at it (I played until the First Date; I managed to kill my date (Michelle) in a freak "accidentally drive the car into a 4-feet deep pool in a park while trying to find a way out of the park"-accident, Michelle drowned. :(

In a fast online shooter like Team Fortress 2, constant 60 fps is much more important to me than this kind of "driving/walking simulator" with sluggish controls.

It is interesting though that from what you said, it appears the GTA IV will not run considerably better on more powerful hardware? Or what were your graphics settings, everything at max (draw distance etc.)? Maybe I will also try how GTA V runs on this same old PC.
Eh, Rockstar was never great at PC ports. Their only optimized and running well ones for me for GTA5 and Max Payne 3.

Hmmmm, Was GTA4 even optimized actually for multi-core systems, back in its day? Were multi-core processors even a thing yet? Was it optimized for more RAM (i.e. more than 3 or 4 GB of RAM)? I'm trying to remember here, help me out!

Yeah, I could never get GTA4 to run well, back in the day. Like many early GTA games - cap it at 30fps to keep it running solid or it might be like the old GTA's (GTA3,VC,SA) and be capped at 30fps (without mods).

Also, GTA4 is a seamless open-world game and that normally will be more taxing that TF2. So I doubt TF2 will run poorly, as that game's basically map-based and not an open-world game.
Post edited May 15, 2020 by MysterD
timppu: Just to stress, this test was for GTA IV (4) on Steam, not GTA V on Epic (which this thread is about). I've yet to test GTA V performance, but heck why not, later today.

I don't know what layers of DRM GTA IV (on Steam) has, but it did install the Rockstar client on my PC, and required me to create an account for it, and then it permanently linked my Steam account to my RS account (when I installed the game on another PC too with the same Steam account, RS client already knew who I was and didn't demand me to re-login on the other PC).
jepsen1977: I recently tried GTA 4 on my 8-year old pc with a GTX 760 OC 2gb vram quad-core I5 processor and 8gb RAM and the game ran like shit with lots of stuttering and hitching and frame drops. A few years ago I played GTA 5 on the same PC and it ran much better than 4 so I would say 5 is much better optimized than 4.
I'd guess GTA5 PC has multi-core support, supports higher RAM counts, and is more in tune w/ today's demands of 60fps or better on the PC version.

Eh, Rockstar never was the greatest at PC ports - go see GTA3,SA,VC; you basically need mods to get that going well past 30fps, since they weren't designed as such.

GTA4 PC was not a good port either. Great game, characters, and story, yes - but eh, it ran pretty poor on the PC.
Post edited May 15, 2020 by MysterD
tort1234: I am not sure how long Epic store can keep giving out free games.

Sooner or later they will go into a loss. Its not like a lot of people are making epic accounts to actually buy games there.
timppu: Now they are trying to expand their userbase aggressively with free games. Apparently it is working if their web site went down today due to people rushing in to download their client, in order to get free GTA V.

How many of those new users turn into paying customers, that remains to be seen. Then again, they also already have all the Fortnite players, some of which even spend money on the game. Not sure what their angle will be to get people to buy games there instead of Steam, is it simply price competition or what.

I don't recall if I read it here before, was it so that they are somehow using the Unreal Engine too to entice publishers to the store, like "you can use the Unreal Engine for free if you release the game exclusively on Epic store" or something like that?
Saw this on youtube yesterday: devs can use the unreal engine for free until they make 1M profit from a game.
timppu: Here is the GTA IV benchmark results on my old ASUS G75VW gaming laptop

First off, thank your lucky stars that you live in Finland and there isn't a Finnish version of GTAIV. Otherwise, everything in this game (including the freaking benchmark test results) would default to your system's language settings, with no easy way to change it. How Rockstar is incapable of putting a simple language selection in their main menus is, again, beyond me. Even GTAIII let you do that.

Anyway, on to the statistics.

Average FPS: 63.35
Duration: 37.57 sec
CPU Usage: 21%
System memory usage: 40%
Video memory usage: 14%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1920 x 1080 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: High
Shadow Quality: High
Reflection Resolution: High
Water Quality: Very High
Texture Filter Quality: Anisotropic x4
Night Shadows: Very High
View Distance: 100
Detail Distance: 100

Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Video Driver version: 442.59
Audio Adapter: Speakers (4- Realtek High Definition Audio)
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor

None of the tests would ever go far above 60, so I honestly thought there was some framerate cap at work here. This suspicion turned out to be wrong when I was indoors and the framerate went up to 100something. Also, for some reason I was unable to force VSync on during these benchmark tests. I ran separate benchmark tests for Lost and the Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony and those had even worse results at 60.51 and 51.12 respectively. And like you said, in outdoor sections the framerate tanks into the 30-ish levels. What a mess.
fronzelneekburm: None of the tests would ever go far above 60, so I honestly thought there was some framerate cap at work here. This suspicion turned out to be wrong when I was indoors and the framerate went up to 100something. Also, for some reason I was unable to force VSync on during these benchmark tests. I ran separate benchmark tests for Lost and the Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony and those had even worse results at 60.51 and 51.12 respectively. And like you said, in outdoor sections the framerate tanks into the 30-ish levels. What a mess.
I see though that the game sets all the options to full for you, while by default it gives me a lower draw distance etc. Also I don't know why it automatically sets most of the options high or very high for me, except it switches off the "Night shadows", whatever they are.

Do you see any improvement if you reduce some of the graphics options, or does it still sometimes dip to 30 fps (or even lower)? Something seems off though if it occasionally dips low no matter how new and fast one's PC is.

Anyway, for me personally it runs "good enough" if it mainly stays above 30 fps, for this kind of game. So I guess I can play it on this setup already. I am still interested to see how my old laptop handles GTA V so I am downloading it right now. 94GB to download, yikes! GTA V sure is a huge game. Glad I now have a 400Mbit/s internet connection, even though Epic launcher now warns that downloads speeds are throttled in my area due to high demand (figures). But now it comes down at a healthy 250Mbit/s or so, good enough I guess.
Post edited May 15, 2020 by timppu
Got an email about GTA V being on sale and had to laugh a bit due to the timing. "Free" or ~$15USD... a tough call to make there, for sure.
Very tempted to make my first purchases the South Park games on Epic, the voucher would make them the cheapest they have been including the season pass.
wolfsite: Very tempted to make my first purchases the South Park games on Epic, the voucher would make them the cheapest they have been including the season pass.
I don't think that's accurate. The gold edition of FBW has been under $10 previously and SOT has been under $5 without its 2 DLCs.
wolfsite: Very tempted to make my first purchases the South Park games on Epic, the voucher would make them the cheapest they have been including the season pass.
TheMonkofDestiny: I don't think that's accurate. The gold edition of FBW has been under $10 previously and SOT has been under $5 without its 2 DLCs.
I'm in Canada so prices are different, $25 is the lowest I've seen the Gold edition for so putting the coupon on top of that is a pretty good deal.
wolfsite: I'm in Canada so prices are different
I don't know why I was registering you being in the US. I think each time I see Max in an avatar certain details of users tend to blend together and not to the benefit of anyone.
tort1234: I am not sure how long Epic store can keep giving out free games.

Sooner or later they will go into a loss. Its not like a lot of people are making epic accounts to actually buy games there.
I dunno if that will be any time soon.

Fornite's made a billion dollars from MTX's off MOBILE ALONE:

This $1 billion from mobile alone DOES NOT count on any sales from MTX's on PC or consoles.
So, I wonder what they are now making from MTX's on PC or consoles.

To me, sounds like Fortnite is still printing money everywhere.
Does Epic client have a similar "show FPS" option as Steam does? Or do I have to use some 3rd party program to see the fps?

Just interested to see what kind of framerates I'm getting in GTA V on my old laptop. To my surprise, at least it seems playable at 1920x1080 resolution, but I am not sure what kind of framerates I am getting. I presume with vsync on it is generally around 30 fps, occasionally clearly dipping below that (mostly on those cinematic parts).

Also wanted to see if e.g. running the game in 1280x720 resolution instead helps with the framerates to stay more stable.

When I ran the game the first time, it warned me that my CPU doesn't fulfill the frequency requirements for the game. Not sure what those requirements are, I have a 4-core, 2.3GHz i7 CPU on this 8 years old laptop. Anyway, as said, the game still seemed fully playable.

Oh, a gameplay question for both GTA IV and V: is there an option to fix the camera behind the car while driving? I didn't recall this (been awhile when I played the earlier GTA games), but having to control both the car and the camera while driving is... driving me nuts. (*badam-tsihhh*)

Maybe I will get used to it in time and did that with earlier games in the series too, but I'd prefer if the camera stayed behind the car all the time... and automatically going in front if I'm on reverse, of course.

In GTA V you have the option to switch to the first-person view, but then you don't see the cars around you.
Post edited May 16, 2020 by timppu
Does Epic client have a similar "show FPS"

cant do this on my pc but i wonder if you can launch the game via galaxy and use gog's overlay.
timppu: Does Epic client have a similar "show FPS" option as Steam does? Or do I have to use some 3rd party program to see the fps?

Just interested to see what kind of framerates I'm getting in GTA V on my old laptop. To my surprise, at least it seems playable at 1920x1080 resolution, but I am not sure what kind of framerates I am getting. I presume with vsync on it is generally around 30 fps, occasionally clearly dipping below that (mostly on those cinematic parts).

Also wanted to see if e.g. running the game in 1280x720 resolution instead helps with the framerates to stay more stable.

When I ran the game the first time, it warned me that my CPU doesn't fulfill the frequency requirements for the game. Not sure what those requirements are, I have a 4-core, 2.3GHz i7 CPU on this 8 years old laptop. Anyway, as said, the game still seemed fully playable.

Oh, a gameplay question for both GTA IV and V: is there an option to fix the camera behind the car while driving? I didn't recall this (been awhile when I played the earlier GTA games), but having to control both the car and the camera while driving is... driving me nuts. (*badam-tsihhh*)

Maybe I will get used to it in time and did that with earlier games in the series too, but I'd prefer if the camera stayed behind the car all the time... and automatically going in front if I'm on reverse, of course.

In GTA V you have the option to switch to the first-person view, but then you don't see the cars around you.
No clue. Good question.

If it ain't there, hope they add an option.

You could always run MSI Afterburner in the background while playing GTA5 and other games - as long as Afterburner and the game get along.

IIRC, some Anvil-Engine based games (i.e. AC games) don't really get along w/ Afterburner.

Also could try an run older version of FRAPS or something too.

What about using say NVidia's GeForce Experience or one of those to show FPS? Does AMD have an equivalent in their Control Center?
Post edited May 16, 2020 by MysterD
Is this the base game without any DLC?