darthspudius: Hahaha no comment.
If you recieved something completely different from what was advertized in description, issue the case to return the item, then send it back and paypal should refund you the money after the seller recieves the item and confirms.
If you recieved something that differs from what claimed in quality, then give a negative review and act as above.
If seller refuses to refund, then be sure to describe everything maximally accurate and include details, while staying on topic and compact. Include photo or video to prove.
If the seller does not react after some time, ebay team will take over the case. In 99% of the cases, the case is solved in favor of buyer. That means, ebay will refund you whole money, you can keep the purchase, seller will be charged by ebay PLUS after specific amount of compaints via such cases, ebay will ban this seller.