tinyE: He sacrificed everything for his love and faith in humanity.
doctorsinister: Yes he was a great man in the boxing world but saying that he "sacrificed everything for his love and faith in humanity" is simply
not true.
The guy was a voracious skirt chaser and very promiscuous.
He has been married and divorced 4 times. The wives simply could not handle his abusive ways.
He pretended to be good Muslim but was sleeping around with many women and had quite a few bastard kids who he ignored when they asked for his financial support and help.
He was also a member of Nation of Islam which is a very anti-Semitic organization and does not believe in women's rights.
He wasn't exactly morally righteous man as the mainstream media portrays him to be.
What are you trying to sell us here? I can't see any problem with being together with women, there should be no country or place anywhere in the world where loving women is considered against the law. When you intend to blackmail Muhammad Ali as a figure who has fought for justice and equality just because he did a few things you consider sin, maybe you should consider this:
Jesus’ in John 8:7 “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone...”
Edit: grammar corrections