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PaterAlf: I hope you are joking. Gandhi died in 1948.
Maxvorstadt: I know. But it`s interesting to see how fascinated mankind is by violence. Not even artificial violence like in games, but also real violence, enspecially in so called "sports".
Evolution takes a while. Wasn't long enough since we bashed things constantly to stay alive.
The world can only handle so much greatness for so long, and great ones can only be bored here for so long. :P

tinyE: Ali was a boxer by trade yes, but calling him just a boxer is like calling Jesus Christ just a carpenter.
Yeah. He was also pretty amazing break dancer and rapper. He was the Tupac of Torah.
MaximumBunny: The world can only handle so much greatness for so long, and great ones can only be bored here for so long. :P

tinyE: Ali was a boxer by trade yes, but calling him just a boxer is like calling Jesus Christ just a carpenter.
MaximumBunny: Yeah. He was also pretty amazing break dancer and rapper. He was the Tupac of Torah.
Ali or Jesus?
Crosmando: What exactly is so amazing about being able to punch people till they're unconscious really well? Though I guess it's best that he was a boxer, otherwise with that aggressive streak he probably would of become a thug.
Because aside from punching, he was also able 21 punches in 10 seconds.

Dude gives friggin Neo a run for his money.
Post edited June 05, 2016 by Erpy
Crosmando: What exactly is so amazing about being able to punch people till they're unconscious really well? Though I guess it's best that he was a boxer, otherwise with that aggressive streak he probably would of become a thug.
tinyE: He was a social icon during a very turbulent time in this country. He was a beacon during the civil rights movement and had the courage to stand up against an unjust and unpopular war.

He sacrificed everything for his love and faith in humanity.

You know if you people are going to make these bullshit posts, could you at least have the courtesy to read up on the subject before you do? Go to Wiki; it will take two minutes. How would you feel if people cast aspersions on you without knowing anything but your name?

You are an embodiment of the ignorance this legend dedicated his life to fighting.
But I enjoy when people make an ass out of themselves!
Crosmando: snip
tinyE: He sacrificed everything for his love and faith in humanity.
Yes he was a great man in the boxing world but saying that he "sacrificed everything for his love and faith in humanity" is simply not true.

The guy was a voracious skirt chaser and very promiscuous.
He has been married and divorced 4 times. The wives simply could not handle his abusive ways.

He pretended to be good Muslim but was sleeping around with many women and had quite a few bastard kids who he ignored when they asked for his financial support and help.

He was also a member of Nation of Islam which is a very anti-Semitic organization and does not believe in women's rights.

He wasn't exactly morally righteous man as the mainstream media portrays him to be.
Post edited June 05, 2016 by doctorsinister
Rest in peace.

Crosmando: What exactly is so amazing about being able to punch people till they're unconscious really well? Though I guess it's best that he was a boxer, otherwise with that aggressive streak he probably would of become a thug.
Nice, let's talk shit about your career, and call you a thug in your funeral. Seems like a good plan.
ShadowAngel.207: One fucking muslim asshole less on the planet.
Go to hell.
Post edited June 05, 2016 by almabrds
almabrds: Rest in peace.

Crosmando: What exactly is so amazing about being able to punch people till they're unconscious really well? Though I guess it's best that he was a boxer, otherwise with that aggressive streak he probably would of become a thug.
almabrds: Nice, let's talk shit about your career, and call you a thug in your funeral. Seems like a good plan.
ShadowAngel.207: One fucking muslim asshole less on the planet.
almabrds: Go to hell.
Boxing is a barbaric "sport". I'd rather glorify actual intelligent people like scientists, engineers, philosophers, etc (i.e. people who actually contribute hugely to society), not people who's sole claim to fame is being able to effectively beat people up (probably causing brain damage later in life, like Ali himself suffered).
Post edited June 05, 2016 by Crosmando
almabrds: Rest in peace.

Nice, let's talk shit about your career, and call you a thug in your funeral. Seems like a good plan.

Go to hell.
Crosmando: Boxing is a barbaric "sport". I'd rather glorify actual intelligent people like scientists, engineers, philosophers, etc (i.e. people who actually contribute hugely to society), not people who's sole claim to fame is being able to effectively beat people up (probably causing brain damage later in life, like Ali himself suffered).
Your a brain specialist? Oh,okay then you know what your talking about.
almabrds: Rest in peace.

Nice, let's talk shit about your career, and call you a thug in your funeral. Seems like a good plan.

Go to hell.
Crosmando: Boxing is a barbaric "sport". I'd rather glorify actual intelligent people like scientists, engineers, philosophers, etc (i.e. people who actually contribute hugely to society), not people who's sole claim to fame is being able to effectively beat people up (probably causing brain damage later in life, like Ali himself suffered).
Actually seen as a whole every society needs their psychopaths, crazed killers, deranged and slow witted thugs. They're great in wars and keeping a society functioning in police roles where they're somewhat controlled. Think of them as warrior ants.

When we've evolved a lot more into cooperation then maybe we'll get to your kind of sports.
And then get wiped out by a even mildly aggressive alien species. Killer instinct is one of the most important survival instincts there is evolution wise.
PaterAlf: I hope you are joking. Gandhi died in 1948.
Maxvorstadt: I know. But it`s interesting to see how fascinated mankind is by violence. Not even artificial violence like in games, but also real violence, enspecially in so called "sports".
But I don`t have anithyng against Cassius Clay, he took the only way that he could take to get fame and money. He began hisa career when being black meant to be something like being Stone Age Neanderthaler.
R.I.P. Cassius Clay. Good thing is, Parkinson can`t bother you anymore.
I think it's more about his fame than about violence. I'm sure there are more people knowing about football players than about Ali. I for example don't watch boxing or any other physical contact sport involving blood, the only thing I watched with Ali were videos with him talking (joking or ranting).
And let's face it you are also fascinated about "arbitrary useless things" (I'm sorry I don't really know a better word). When was the last time you talked about the good job the garbage men do? After all we would all be living in a big pile of shit if it wasn't for them.

In my opinion it is sad how people still celebrate only certain people.
tinyE: He sacrificed everything for his love and faith in humanity.
doctorsinister: Yes he was a great man in the boxing world but saying that he "sacrificed everything for his love and faith in humanity" is simply not true.

The guy was a voracious skirt chaser and very promiscuous.
He has been married and divorced 4 times. The wives simply could not handle his abusive ways.

He pretended to be good Muslim but was sleeping around with many women and had quite a few bastard kids who he ignored when they asked for his financial support and help.

He was also a member of Nation of Islam which is a very anti-Semitic organization and does not believe in women's rights.

He wasn't exactly morally righteous man as the mainstream media portrays him to be.
What are you trying to sell us here? I can't see any problem with being together with women, there should be no country or place anywhere in the world where loving women is considered against the law. When you intend to blackmail Muhammad Ali as a figure who has fought for justice and equality just because he did a few things you consider sin, maybe you should consider this:
Jesus’ in John 8:7 “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone...”

Edit: grammar corrections
Post edited June 05, 2016 by TheyLive1984
Crosmando: Boxing is a barbaric "sport". I'd rather glorify actual intelligent people like scientists, engineers, philosophers, etc (i.e. people who actually contribute hugely to society), not people who's sole claim to fame is being able to effectively beat people up (probably causing brain damage later in life, like Ali himself suffered).
Tauto: Your a brain specialist? Oh,okay then you know what your talking about.
You don't need to be a brain specialist to know that being bashed in the head repeatedly over a long period of time is going to cause brain damage.
Tauto: Your a brain specialist? Oh,okay then you know what your talking about.
Crosmando: You don't need to be a brain specialist to know that being bashed in the head repeatedly over a long period of time is going to cause brain damage.
You're proof of that. :P
Truly the greatest.