sanscript: So we live in a black and white world? All evil or all angel?
Just for the fun of it - can you name ONE dictator that built up healthcare and education after the former one, sent help internationally with vaccines, and also didn't erect massive statues of himself?
Also, just pointing out the positive in things isn't synonymous with being sympathetic with a dictators regime (or any regimes for that matter) :p
Nirth: I was just about to post what you just posted. 1+
That said, while he might have made a difference for the people of Cuba, it seems like all leaders he was secretly rich and lived ostentatiouslywhich is rather hypocritical when he supposedly defended communism:
if you are going to stand for something, then begin with yourself and set an example, not expect the average person to uphold it for you.
Also, according to one of his body guard he moonlighted as a secret
drug baron.
Indeed. The sad aspect is, no matter what we call a particularly type of ruling or regime, there's always one or more narcissistic and corrupt gremlin that apparently likes to hold everything to him/her -self.
Kind a like child; "MINE MINE MINE MINE". ...and Saving Nemo just entered the hall, great XD
No seriously, Castro had many good ideas, but then he turned into a fat pig. Communism, democracy, capitalism, monarchy, or dictatorship isn't evil. Just the person(s) behind the hypocratic power. It's always shiny until someone takes a closer look.
A friend of mine visited Cuba some years ago, and she and her husband saw mostly the good side, which she told everyone about. But that's the nature of most tourism - one often doesn't see the dark side. Like in movies they paint both Sweden and Norway as a glorified heaven, well almost. ;)