Posted October 02, 2020
high rated
Kind of annoyed by this, as due to some poor support here by some devs in general, I can already see this being used as an excuse by devs to not make or support DRM free versions of their games.
"BRO, YOU CAN TOTALLY BUY OUR GAME THROUGH GOG, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? :^)" as they sell some denuvo-using EGS version through Galaxy.
I know things have been building somewhat for years, and I don't really want to jump on the doom and gloom train since GOG was probably my first digital storefront and the one I've tried to primarily support, but the general shift in business feels like them trying to be Steam 2 Electric Boogaloo, and if I already have Steam and there's a general shift away from DRM free (or taking the "Well that all depends on how you define DRM :^)" stance) what's the point in supporting GOG? I don't have enough brand loyalty towards CDPR and GOG alone to support them for the company's sake.
"BRO, YOU CAN TOTALLY BUY OUR GAME THROUGH GOG, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? :^)" as they sell some denuvo-using EGS version through Galaxy.
I know things have been building somewhat for years, and I don't really want to jump on the doom and gloom train since GOG was probably my first digital storefront and the one I've tried to primarily support, but the general shift in business feels like them trying to be Steam 2 Electric Boogaloo, and if I already have Steam and there's a general shift away from DRM free (or taking the "Well that all depends on how you define DRM :^)" stance) what's the point in supporting GOG? I don't have enough brand loyalty towards CDPR and GOG alone to support them for the company's sake.