Themken: Which is why that is what I game on. In some places in the world every cubic millimetre of living space costs a lot and then probably only laptop is feasible.
It's a matter of priorities. When I was a student, I lived in a place not much bigger than an average (western) bathroom. Still, I loved playing games, so I made room for my desktop PC.
Ok, I'm talking about adults. If you're a minor still living with your parents... it sucks, I've been there.
Themken: Did not know about scaling driven from graphics card nowadays but this still applies: Some monitors look really bad if the resolution is not native or dividible by four. To some degree this applies to all tft screens but some are much worse than others.
Newer Nvidia and AMD (I don't know about Intel) graphics cards now do integer scaling. ;-)
It doesn't matter how bad your monitor scales if the graphics card handles it.