beliar: GOG are just covering their bases. Every single other VN release currently uses the censored versions. Not only that, but GOG has clearly shown their position when they have previously asked for more censorship from the devs (Love in Space) that have successfully released their game on Steam (the all-ages appropriate build was apparently still too racy for them).
So, I take it we're going to start censoring the sex in The Witcher 3? No? oh... Ok....
Breja: Oh good, more creepy anime school girl porn.
Oh goody, the old church ladies are out in force again. Has our lord and savior, the final boss from Kirby 3 commanded us to crucify these heathens in the name of caesar?
Lucumo: That hasn't really anything to do with the description though. Like I said, it insinuates that it's the complete, and not the cut, version. If there was no disclaimer like that, one couldn't expect anything. But they put one there and it points in the absolute opposite direction.
This is what we call "playing both fields." GOG has been doing it for a while now with their political bits.
Hikage1983: Taking a wild guess here but i'm gonna go with legal reasons. It wouldn't do for a store to officialy imply there are decensor patches out there. Besides, those well versed into the VN ecosystem know that they should do research before buying certain types of VNs. It's kind of a golden rule.
And that is an acceptable compromise for me. The ability for the store of my choice to carry certain VNs in exchange for a little bit of proverbial legwork on google/publisher sites/forums.
I honestly wonder if there couldn't be a legal case here for misleading people. Someone here has to buy it to even find out for the other potential customers.
TARFU: Oh good, time for Breja's daily Two Minutes Hate against games he doesn't like.
"Stop having fun, guys!"
PixelBoy: Yeah, although he's got a sort of point too, there are visual novels which don't have any sexual content, but which are not on GOG. So GOG releasing that kind of stuff, but at the same time rejecting games like Tokyo Dark, does justify the question whether GOG is leaning towards creepy with their game selections.
That wasn't probably the point of his comment though, but it's a valid question all the same.
No, GOG, like any business, knows that sex appeal sells. However, to keep the SJ--Church ladies happy, they made sure to use the censored version. It's not like they aren't releasing the non-creepy ones, either. There's a nice, very kid-friendly VN included in the releases here, but heaven forbid anyone
point it out.
The real irony is when you have an actual Christian (myself) coming in here defending "degenerate stuff." I'm not going to be buying this stuff any time soon, but I actually have to defend it on principle. I'd rather be part of the crowd that says "don't buy this," but i can't say there's a virtue in not buying it when people are trying to keep it from being a possibility in the first place. Taxation is not a form of charity.
Lodium: Sigh, so, its creepy for evryone becuse you decide its creepy.
God forbid anyone else having a diffrent opinion.
I dont understand how we got from us humans wanting to get rid of The Church/religous systems deciding our Sexual imaginations and art and the freedom to draw it, enjoy it, or to consume it.To another system/people diciding it, Why the fuck did we want to get rid of the religious morals if we want morals annyway?
Im not claiming your a SJW, but these people shoud start to think a little.
Same reason all religions destroy the rival religions. You notice, the left won't give Christanity credit at all for being against this stuff. Then again, Christians weren't notorious for crucifying. Inquisitions were a small part of the whole history of Christanity, really, and it was only so when the religious governments (the church) saw their power threatened. Oh, right, now that Christianity isn't in power, we're not bothering to be moral busybodies? Funny that.
Apcarne: I can't help but notice that all the VNs on GOG currently seem to be the type aimed at a male audience. I'd love to see some otome games on here. (Would also love to see more gender-neutral non-fanservicey type mystery/horror/SF VNs as well.)
Given how any good business knows that sex sells, i'm honestly curious if there is one that managed to shine enough without it to even land on anyone's radar.
Oh, and i'm just going to throw out there that according to Pornhub, lesbian porn is more popular among women than straight porn. You can take that however you would like.
personthingy: *raises hand*
To be fair though, I'll read anything as long as it has a good story, does something special/unique, or has charm to it. I know I'm not in the majority of female readers... but there are others out there, in other communities, who also consume male-targeted VNs with as much gusto.
That said, I want to see more female-targeted and LGBT+ themed VNs. There are quite a few already out on other storefronts, and more coming in Mangagamer's pipeline (like
Steam Prison and
Sona-Nyl), so hopefully they'll make their way over eventually.
You'd be surprised how close you are to majority, really (this is without assuming you're suggesting you're non-straight).
I don't see women talk much about this sort of thing, but when women talk openly about such stuff, i do find women are usually quite open to "trying these things." Some admit it's sexual, and i'll let you judge the ones that say "eh, it's hilarious, I'm not really into it that way." Don't even relaly need to come to a conclusion on the second group, anyway: if you find it hilarious enough to play, it's plenty worth it. The number of women in the Dead or Alive community, for example, seems quite high compared to other fighting game communities (other than Smash).
But, hey, it's wrong to assume gender, but not sexual orientation? XD
Lodium: I agree that there shoud be more varied and not only targeted at only spessific groups that likes one thing or another.
I avoid using male targeted because many women find male targeted games atractive for various reasons.
And vica versa.
Just notice how many males likes to play as a woman in many online games its not just because of the sexual atraction.
Ragnarok online come to mind, Many Males liked to play the female characters becuse they found them cute to make an example. The reason that so few of LGBT+ themed VNs. makes it to the west is probably due to gamer demograpics and a cultural thing. Japan has more games and stuff targeted only at females if you go after the old ideas of what gender likes what.
I play female in monster hunter because the armor's less bland, and there's more armors available, usually. I've heard fun explanations, though: "If I have the stare at an ass all day playing this game, i'd rather it be a woman's." I'm not an ass man, but i can understand the logic. XD