Magnitus: I share a similar worry.
I don't know much about VR headsets,[...]
amok: Then maybe look into it first? The logic of what timpuu said here is the same if I said - "there is no point buying PC games, as in 5-10 years there are new CPU's and GPU's an OS's, and they can't be played anymore".
Magnitus: I doubt it is properly standardized. It is probably designed to work with some dominant vendor(s) of the day and as the trend evolves, I'm skeptical that backwards compatibility will be honored.
amok: Google "OpenXR"
I am sorry, but a lot of what I see in this thread is just ignorance.
As previously said, I'm not that invested in it. Its for a small minority of games and I'm a busy guy. I looked into it for like 5 minutes the other day.
Awesome that you are passionate about it, but don't project your preference in everyone else. When you're more knowledgeable on a topic than somebody else, be charitable about it, especially when they display enough humility to admit ignorance on the subject matter.
Next question for you: Great that there is an open-source implementation out there, but how much industry penetration does it have? How likely is it that games you buy will support it? Is this likely to become a standard (or inspire a standard) or just be ignored by most of the industry?
EDIT: Ok, I looked at the list of supporters in the wikipedia article and its not bad. I'll consider it once enough games support VR. Thanks for the info.