Holy crap, I completely forgot about this game, I played a demo for it waaaay back when but I could never find a copy of the actual game to buy.
Yeah ya know somethin, THIS is the kind of game I wish GoG released more often. GoG has very little making it stand out as a service, and it's these games, these unsung, underrated classics, that are what GoG really has going for it. Anyone who doesn't like it can go suck a lemon
Banjo_oz: A rare insta-buy for me, even though I still own the original CDs.
I love FMV games but this one is a real nostalgia kick for me: Beam Software's "big adventure game" effort and "Australia's largest multimedia project" (at the time).
Sure, it's a very cheesy noir pastiche, but that's part of the fun, IMO. Certainly not an amazing game, but decent for an FMV title - it's a "proper" first-person adventure game at least and not just an "interactive movie" - and holds a lot of nostalgia for me personally.
I still remember seeing a news item on this game on local Australian TV back when it was released; this game was made and shot locally in Australia (by Beam Software), and got a bit of "current affairs show" media coverage for some reason. Everyone, journos and game-makers alike, were fascinated by the idea of shooting multiple versions of scenes depending on player choices! This may also explain some of the accents, however. ;) Wish I could find that "making of" segment online, as I doubt my VHS recording survives today even if I could find it.
Back then, games like this, Under a Killing Moon, Wing Commander 3, etc. were pretty revolutionary in terms of movie-like storytelling within video games, even if few FMV games ever really got the balance of gameplay+video right (WC3 & 4 being examples of ones that did, IMO).
EDIT: I find it funny to see people claim FMV games are "those too lazy to make graphics" yet even terrible FMV games stand up better visually than early 3D games with hideous huge polygons. I love sprite art, but there's more to gaming than 2D pixels.
EDIT #2: Such a shame 'Night Trap 25th Anniversary' isn't on GOG where it really belongs. Bring on more FMV games, GOG! How about 'Quantum Gate' (short, but one of my fave game endings) or its sequel 'The Vortex'? Maybe 'Voyeur', since we got (to my surprise) 'Tender Loving Care' recently? 'Burn: Cycle' or 'Psychic Detective' are pretty well regarded adventures, no? 'Angel Devoid', a real pain to get running on modern PCs? Even 'Critical Path' or 'Creature Shock' would be nice?
You know exactly what's up man, you rock.