tremere110: Can you even run Win7 with just a gig of RAM? Last I checked it requires 1 to 2 gigs, which pretty much meant 2 gigs (cause you're gonna be running stuff beyond the OS).
idbeholdME: You can easily run 32 bit Windows 7 on 1 GB of RAM. Windows 10 on the other hand? Definitely not.
True :D, thats because Windoze 10 is bloatware
Just one of the many
Uninstall Windows 10 Bloatware Apps. Some of the Windows 10 bloatware is easy to remove using a regular uninstall. This appears to work for several apps included in the Windows 10 installation package, such as Money, News, Sports, and a few others clogging up your Start menu.
How to Easily Remove Bloatware From Windows 10 - MakeUseOf
Windoze 10 is still loaded with ads aswell:
Google: ads in windows 10
filter : past month
and has still 'spyware'
Google : windows 10 spyware
filter: past month
without the filter it will show everything related: About 31.100.000 results (0,38 seconds)
Anyway Windoze is bad and will never be any good, cause that would mean M$ would have to admit it 'failed' on many aspects with Windozer 10, and they are to proud to admit it , the previous CEO (s) found it hard to admit they made mistakes , but the last one .... will never change the M$ course and keep on following the set M$ course.
Back on topic: so its nice to see a game that only requires 1 GB RAM to run at Minimum requirements cause there arent that many, if any exist at all :D so cheers to the first game that only need 1 GB ram or maybe 2 but that is still super cause many games i own need at least 2 , usually 4 at Min. requirements.:D