Posted November 17, 2016
Raiders of the Galaxy.
<span class="bold">Space Rogue Classic</span>, the timeless space combat simulator with plenty of RPG elements, is available now, DRM-free on
Your crew didn't deserve that fate. While you were out there on your own, investigating a derelict ship floating through space, a band of ruthless Manchi raiders appeared out of nowhere and wiped out everyone aboard your trading vessel, the Princess Blue. Now you're on the warpath, seeking to avenge your mates and perhaps become a class-A space rogue in the process.
Those are both admirable goals, but to get there you've got a lot of space to cover. You will be constantly alternating between the 3D view used in space combat and exploration, and the top-down perspective through which you navigate the planetary outposts, talk to NPCs, and handle trades, quests, or ship upgrades. The galaxy is a pretty vast space, but there's no wormhole big enough for these despicable Manchi to hide in!
Travel across the galaxy, upgrade your ship, and become the ultimate <span class="bold">Space Rogue Classic</span>, DRM-free on
<span class="bold">Space Rogue Classic</span>, the timeless space combat simulator with plenty of RPG elements, is available now, DRM-free on
Your crew didn't deserve that fate. While you were out there on your own, investigating a derelict ship floating through space, a band of ruthless Manchi raiders appeared out of nowhere and wiped out everyone aboard your trading vessel, the Princess Blue. Now you're on the warpath, seeking to avenge your mates and perhaps become a class-A space rogue in the process.
Those are both admirable goals, but to get there you've got a lot of space to cover. You will be constantly alternating between the 3D view used in space combat and exploration, and the top-down perspective through which you navigate the planetary outposts, talk to NPCs, and handle trades, quests, or ship upgrades. The galaxy is a pretty vast space, but there's no wormhole big enough for these despicable Manchi to hide in!
Travel across the galaxy, upgrade your ship, and become the ultimate <span class="bold">Space Rogue Classic</span>, DRM-free on