musteriuz: I just finished the demo and it was fun. The game gave me a simplified King of Dragon Pass vibe. There are at least 4 resources to manage: Food, Culture, Construction and Authority. The tutorial is very clear and I found most everything quite intuitive. If one likes turn-based strategy games, then you should definitely at least try the demo.
Deadmarye: We'll that's good to hear ! Bought the game after posting here, been playing since and it's very enjoyable ;)
EDIT : Now I wonder...Since the Demo has the same full list of achievements as the base game but is not shared (got some in the demo, weren't unlocked in the base game even though my save was shared) where exactly the demo stops then ?
Surely it's not possible to gain every achievements in the demo. Which is a bit strange.
musteriuz: It stops if you are the first tribe to build the Sanctuary of the Falcon. The demo and full game download size seems the same, which is probably why the demo references all the achievements, etc.
you must be joking ? (⊙﹏⊙)
if they are i paid 4.99 which is not that much but always way too much for a demo when the demo = free .... (✖﹏✖)
gamesfreak64: i hope its not this game: If it is, its no buy for me.... my stomache turned at 17 seconds the water the rotating too much motions.
Silverhawk170485: Yes, it's that one. :)
The new 3D engine might not be everyones taste but it differs from Predinastic Egypt in this way:
- more diversity in the game,
- varied tasks in the regions
- different tactics for playthroughs
- unique bonuses from patron gods
- longer gameplay
- New technologies: 3D engine and skeletal animation
very nice for the majority which are the only ones that count which is also obvious cause big audience = big bucks
still it s?x ... bigtime (✖﹏✖)
Anyway how will this work ? basically i paid for a demo ? yet the demo is a free download , why would they offer a download when paid for the game ? sureley those builds must be different ?
:D i know... some one is pulling a nasty lame joke on me .. . |◔◡◉| come on people ... admit .... hehehe its okay to pull my leg or both legs ... this is a simple joke ... ? right?
The dev hasnt replied yet ... so it must be a joke ? 17 turns end, in both games : demo and paid ?
nah must be some miscommunication i guess ... this must .... be ... a joke .... |◔◡◉| ?