Zoidberg: They probably didn't bother with key rebinds anyway... :P
MarkoH01: Wait a moment. Wasn't the first Myst mouse control only?
Pre rendered videos yes, but this one seems full 3D.
They didn't implement key rebinds in Obduction, I don't see why they should bother with a Xth remake.
cmclout: From the store page:
"Q: I bought Myst when it first came out in 1993. Can I get a free upgrade to this new version?
A: Thank you for your support over the years! We are not giving out free upgrades to previous purchasers of the original Myst. We put a lot of effort into making this new version of Myst and would appreciate your financial support again!"
I bought the game twice on CD (I gave the first copy to a friend), but never had time to play it. Fast forward 20 years and I then bought it twice on GOG ("Myst Masterpiece Edition" and then "realMyst: Masterpiece Edition"), and I STILL haven't gotten around to playing it. I also bought the other five games in the series on CD/DVD and then again on GOG, but haven't played any of them yet, either.
I can't say I'm in any rush to buy Myst a fifth time, especially when the developer clearly does not value customer loyalty or support in any way. You don't need to give a free upgrade to those who purchased the game 28 years ago, but some sort of acknowledgement of customers' ongoing support through the years (other than saying "Thanks") would be nice. Without that ongoing support from those customers, the developer would have gone out of business a long time ago.
Stop buying then. Just launch the original! XP