Darvond: Cool, another classy obviously RPG Maker game in the line of several which fits right into the "I Can't Believe It's Not Loli" class of cheap porn games.
Sometimes I don't see what these games offer that 5 minutes on Danbooru couldn't, if you catch my drift.
The gameplay. Kagura is popular with fans because they offer gameplay in addition to the adult content. You can play a fun RPG and get adult content too. In the Kagura server, a lot of the players do ask game related questions. There are difficult sections and puzzles, just like any other RPG game.
Frostyfirefly: I don't know why, but from the first image I saw of the game, I immediately knew this was an adult game; my ero-sense must be evolving!
Hm, it seems to be a light oppai loli style of game though, not particularly my ero subgenre of choice.
By the way GOG, bring Maggot Baits please! Have I not purchased many a title and thoroughly "enjoyed" them? Are you not entertained!? XD
It won't happen. Remember, Seed Of The Dead 2 was considered too extreme to release with it's adult content patch.