Martek: Looks interesting. Pushes buttons that I like for this type of game.
But I also see it has a DLC. DLC's are a big-turnoff for me - at least while they are still being trickled-out over time. Once they are all out and a "GOTY" edition is released - THEN I want the game and all of its DLC's.
What I can't obviously determine with this game is - is that DLC the only one - or, like GalCiv III or FrostPunk, are they just going to keep on coming (possibly even after I buy the
GOTY edition).
Not knowing means I add it to the Wishlist and keep an eye on it...
I just found this statement from the founder and owner of Praxis (also one of the developers ot this game):
"We released our first expansion Natural Law less than a month ago, and we plan on offering further expansions, and major *free* updates, that will add a lot more to the game, always subject to the game's success, of course, the more success it has the more we'll be able to improve it. And, let's face it, a 4X game needs at least a couple of expansions to reach its full potential, and we're hard at work to see that come to life"
(from an answer to a negative review on Steam, just a month ago)
So, the answer is yes, if sales goes well, there will be more DLC's.
Crosmando: Looks very Stellaris inspired
According to that same person i wrote about above (Adam Solo from Praxis), nope. He says that Interestellar is 100% designed turn-based and it's different from the Stellaris pacing, strategy, etc.
IronArcturus: Are the galaxies randomized in the game or is it only the tech tree?
I was also interested in knowing this. It seems that the game creates a procedural map on start, so yes. Some people suggested in their forums to have a map editor and to be able to save those maps for sharing, but it seems that is not implemented, even though the developer said it was a nice idea, but difficult to implement (at least editing custom maps, saving generated in-game maps it's very easy, he added )
Anyway, i remember reading a bit about this game on release but i had lost it's track since then. Despite the Steam reviews (that went from just mixed to mostly positive with the updates) the game seems to be good for those who still enjoy classic MOO2 gameplay. Nothing too different, a modern take on the classic side of the genre. The Explorminate articles and reviews also have help to get my attention.
I will watch some videos, but i think i'm in.